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Song of the chapter: Why can't we all just get along? by Jacob Whitesides

The last bell of the day couldn't have come soon enough and as soon as it rung I was up from that desk in a matter of seconds.

"I would say that you done good today but I'd be lieing" Liam laughed as he also stood up, both of us putting our books into ours bags.

"Well it's not my fault that I lost like an hour of my study time" I rose my eyebrows at him, a goofy smile across my lips.

"You lost one out of six possible hours, definitely my fault right?" He teased before putting his rucksack on his back.

"Definitely" I smirked as I also hooked my bag on my shoulder.

We continued talking as we walked out of the empty library and now into busy and loud hallways.

"Maybe just an hour a week of revvision will be better for you" Liam stated as the two of us walked through the spacious crowds of people.

I nodded and agreed to which he smiled at.

"So how about every Monday night I come over to yours after school and I'll tutor you" he suggested, a big smile on his face.

I firstly hesitated, considering whether to go forward with it or not. I mean it was only an hour and it's not like he'd pull anything, after all I brother would flip if he ever tried.

Good grades, right?

"Yeah sure, anyway I should get going. I've got this thing so I'll see you on Monday" I smiled, lieing out of my teeth as I turned to look at him.

"Oh yeah, see you Monday. Look after yourself kiddo" he grinned before wrapping his arms around me.

I just stood there awkwardly as I didn't hug him back, I was more taken back my his sudden gesture.

I narrowed my eyes together as I felt my body being pulled back, out of Liam's hold.

"That's enough you two, Mia and I have got some catching up to do" Colby's voice intervened as he held his hands on my shoulders.

"Have we?" I smiled as I titled my head up to look at him.

"Yes we have" his smile was sweet as he looked at me before wrapping his arms around me and pulling my back closer to him.

"I've always loved you two together, Molby in endgame" Liam grinned causing me to playfully roll my eyes as Colby laughed.

"Anyway I'll see you both soon, bye"

"Bye Liam" I shouted back as he left.

"Why are you still holding me? We're not together anymore" I smirked as I pulled out of his hold, turning around to look at him.

"We will be together again, one day. You can trust me on that" he smiled widely as he looked down at me.

My smile soon faded as I realised that he still had hopes for us when I had lost mine. I had lost all hope of being with him, but I hadn't lost my love yet and it pained me to lie to him.

He thought that I wanted it too and if he knew that I didn't want it anymore then he'd know something's up and he'd know that something's changed.

"Hey, are you okay?" Colby smiled as he placed a hand on my shoulder but I just shook it off.

"I'm fine, I've got to go. I'll call you later" I fake smiled as I fiddled with my bag strap.

"Oh okay, well do you need a lift home?" He offered.

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