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Song of the chapter- Wolves by Selena Gomez & Marshmello

[Shawn's POV]

It had felt like a long time since I had worked on my songs and after finally getting back to it I had never felt more relaxed.

Sitting at the piano, which was in the corner of my music room, I played along to the chords of the song. I had already written the lyrics and the sound came after that, the music just flowed naturally out of me rather then having to have all those technical music terms.

This song was called Life of the party and it was so true to life and how we should all feel about it.

We should all be able to make our best mistakes and should never feel sorry for slipping up a little sometimes. The song also teaches us that we should take chances, and sometimes it's okay to be a little selfish to others to get what we want and to be able to follow our dreams.

As the words flooded out my mouth I let my voice take over the room as I sung along to the music I played along the piano.

We don't have to be ordinary
Make your best mistakes
'Cause we don't have the time to be sorry
So baby be the life of the party
I'm telling you to take your shot it might be scary
Hearts are gonna break
'Cause we don't have the time to be sorry
So baby be the life of the party

[Mia's POV]

Unlocking Shawn's front door I then shut it behind me as I held a cup holder of two coffees from starbucks for the two of us.

As soon as I entered his house I was submerged in the beautiful sound of his piano playing, his voice trailing over the top of it.

I hadn't seen him all weekend, not since when Aaliyah texted for me to come over. It was the last day of Autumn break and tomorrow we'd all be back at school, meaning that Shawn and I would have little time to properly talk to each other.

Locking the door behind me I then made my way up the stairs until I reached the end of Shawn's hallway, the door of his music room being shut.

Knocking lightly on the door, but loud enough for Shawn to here me, I soon heard the music playing come to a stop and instead replaced with silence.

I then took that as an answer to come in. Opening the door my eyes immediately fell onto Shawn as he turned his head to look at me.

"I bought coffee" I smiled.

I was met with the biggest of grins as his eyes beamed back at me.

"Come in, I want to show you something" he smiled.

I nodded before closing the door behind me. I then walked over to the fireplace before putting the two coffees on top of it and then walking over to the piano to where Shawn sat.

Leaning against the side of the piano I looked back at Shawn who still was grinning at me.

"What? I thought you wanted to show me something?" I laughed as I playfully rolled my eyes.

"I'm just so happy to see you, come here quick" he smiled.

Pushing myself of the piano I then walked over to him until I was inbetween his legs, as he sat at the end of the piano bench.

His hands connected with my waist before pulling me ever so gently closer to him.

He then place one hand behind my neck before guiding my face to his. Once ours lips neared one another's he smiled even wider before connecting his lips with mine. After a quick kiss he pulled away to only smile at me.

"Sit down, I've been writing a new song" Shawn smiled before scooting round so there was room for me.

And soon as I sat down I felt as if I was back in that music room with Shawn again. That was the day he made me realise how strong feelings can be and once you finally let them out, the more free you become.

Soon I found myself wrapped up in the arm tingling piano music, his voice brightening up anyone's thoughts and feelings.

Eventually once he finished playing he took his hands off the piano before looking at me.

"So what do you think?" Shawn smiled.

"Don't forget me when you're playing at Madison Square Garden one day" I smirked.

"Don't worry, you'll be the first person I thank when I get on that stage" Shawn grinned back.


Running through Shawn's apartment I could hear his heavy footstapeds trailing behind me.

"We both know I can out run you Mia!" Shawn laughed from behind me as I sprinted through the hallway.

"Yeah right Mendes! I have the school record for running so shove that up your arse!" I shouted back, smirking to myself as I quickly opened the back door and ran out into the garden.

As soon as I ran onto the grass I felt Shawn's strong arms wrap around me from behind, my back becoming pressed up against his chest.

"If I were you I would never tell me to shove anything up my arse again, and two don't ever think you can out run me" Shawn smirked into my ear as my hair flowed to one side.

I only smirked as I looked forward, my breath slightly heavy from the running.

"And what happens if I do?" I teased, letting my eyes fall onto the empty garden of Shawn's, literally nothing being present here but us.

"Well I'm afraid we won't ever know but for now, tell me the reason you decided to run outside, it's freezing out here" Shawn chuckled as he held me closer, wrapping his warmth around me.

"I just wanted to catch you off guard" I smiled as I placed my hands on his hands as they rested on my stomach.

"Well you definitely did that" Shawn smirked as he managed to move my hair away from one side of my neck, the cold air now hitting against my uncovered neck.

Parting my lips I was about to speak but my lips soon clasped shut as I felt Shawn's lips suddenly press up against my neck, his teeth slightly digging into my skin.

His hands held tighter around me as my hands tightly gripped onto them.

Feeling the sudden stronger digging of his teeth I felt my body flinch at the slight pain of his sucking against my skin.

Within a second of my flinching Shawn's lips immediately fell off my neck.

"I'm sorry, I didn't mean to hurt you" Shawn spoke rapidly.

Looking up at him his expression was clearly worried as his eyes widened down at me.

I smiled up at him before lifting my hand up and placing it on his chin, brining his eyes down to meet mine.

"It's fine, it always hurts at first" I gave him a warm smile.

He nodded before eventually smiling back at me.

He then lent down before pecking his lips against mine.

"Now let's go back inside, I'm freezing out here" Shawn laughed.

I laughed along too before taking his hand and leading him back into the house.

Sorry about how dull this chapter is but it's been hard to write lately💕💖

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