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Song of the chapter: I'm With you by Avril Lavenge


It was finally the end of the day and we ended up having no teacher for English, I had guessed that Shawn's paper work took longer then aspected.

Hanging my bag over my shoulder I walked my way out of the classroom before reaching the now busy hallway, as people walked out of the school doors.

As I made my way through the hallway I curiously peered into each room, trying to see if I could spot Shawn.

"Mia!" My name was shouted from behind me causing me to flip my head round.

My eyes layed onto Colby as he ran over to where I was standing. As he reached next to me we continued walking our way through the hallway.

"I know that you're probably mad at me about the fight right now but-" Colby rambled before I cut him off.

"Why would I be mad?" I came to halt causing Colby to also stop walking.

"Because Grayson and I were fighting about you. I mean you slept with Grayson for christ sake, it's obvious that finding that out was gonna make me mad" Colby explained before rolling his eyes.

I looked at him for a few seconds as I felt my blood boil.

"You hit him because of one stupid night that Grayson and I shared together?" I snapped, hating the fact of anyone knowing my private life.

"It wasn't just one night Mia, you slept together" he fired back, trying not to raise his voice.

"We slept together when you weren't even in my life Colby! He's my bestfriend and he was my first, that makes sense right? It's not like I cheated on you" I shouted, causing everyone's attention to snap round to us but at this point I didn't care.

"But it didn't stop you from keeping it a secret from me?" Colby hissed as his voice eventually rose, hit vein dominant on his neck.

"Fuck sake Colby, why has everything got to be a drama with you?" I rolled my eyes before trying to walk away but as I did I felt his right grip against my wrist as he pulled back.

"Don't walk away" he said sternly as he twirled me around so I was facing him.

"You can't tell me what to fucking do" I snapped back as I tried to deprive his grip off my wrist.

"Atleast I'm not the one who slept with another person" he hissed as he pulled me closer so I could feel his warm breath again my face, as I squinted at the digging of his nails.

"We weren't together then and as of this point onwarda we aren't together now" I gritted my teeth at him before pulling my arm harshly out of his, his grip letting me go.

He didn't say anything as I turned back round and stormed my way out of the school until I was sat in my car.

Holding tightly onto the steering wheel I let out a loud screech before hitting my hand against it in frustration.

Leaning my head against the wheel I let the angry cries fall out of my mouth, the tears coldly falling down my now heated cheeks.

How could he be such a dick?

Taking my head off the wheel I turned my wrists so I could look at where Colby had a hold of me. My heart sunk as I noticed the prominent marks and just rising bruises on my wrist.

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