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Song of the chapter: Hold My Hand by Jess Glynne

Getting back to my house it was now around noon and Shawn and I hung out at his place the whole day. I had lied and told my Mum that I stayed at Grayson's the whole day which she wouldn't question as I regularly stay round Grayson's.

Once dipping the paintbrush into the white paint I tool the brush upon the fence before I began stroking layers of paint along the wood.

My Mum had quickly popped out for more paint, leaving me to carry on painting the fence of the front yard.

Laying another stroke onto the wooden panel I heard the engine of car come to a halt outside of my yard.

Looking to my right my eyes fell onto the red mustang of which only belonged to yours truly, Grayson Smith.

"Need help?" He smiled brightly as he jumped out of his car.

"How'd you know?" I laughed as he pushed open my gate before striding over to me.

"I saw your Mum in town and she told me how you were painting the fence in which by the way may I might add" he became confused at the last sentence as he knelt down beside me before taking another paint brush once dipping it.

"Why did you tell your Mum that you slept at mine last night?" He asked curiously as he began painting another panel.

I tried to pretend that I weren't crapping myself inside.

I had to lie to my bestfriend

"I went on a date last night and I couldn't deal with the questions so I just hired out a travel room to stay in the night" I lied, probably giving him the most unconvincing lie ever.

"Well you could of stayed at mine instead of a travel room anyway, and don't worry I went along with the lie you told your Mum so she knows nothing" Grayson reassured me with a smile.

"Thankyou" I smiled gratefully as I let out a massive sigh.

"How was the date anyway?" He smirked.

"It was good, definitely want to see him again" I smiled, even though I had no date I was imagining that I was talking about Shawn.

"What did you do?" He asked.

"We just went to the movies" I shrugged.

"What's his name?" Grayson smirked.

"Enough with the questions" I playfully rolled my eyes.

Feeling a cold substance hit my cheek I squealed as Grayson laughed hysterically at me, the white pain falling off his brush.

Wiping my finger along my cheek I had white paint on my face.

"I'm going to fucking kill you Gray" I cursed as I leaped onto him, pushing my hands in the paint tray as he fell down.

Landing on top him I tried to attack my hands onto his face and clothes but he held onto my arms I couldn't reach them, our laughter filling the air.

"What happened to painting my fence?" My Mum's innocent voice called causing nine and Grayson's eyes to shoot up.

My Mum was smirking at us as she closed her car door behind her.

"We were just exploring new ways to paint" Grayson smiled mischievously as me.

As my Mum replied with some sarcy comment I narrowed my eyes as I heard the otherside of the car door shut and open.

I took a huge gulp as Shawn exited from the same vehicle, now dressed in much nicer shirt and fresh jeans, his hair restyled from this morning.

His eyes laid onto me with a smile but it soon faded and his eyes fell off me once he saw that I was on top of Grayson.

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