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Song of the chapter- Stockholm Syndrome by One Direction

Watching Shawn from the passenger seat he sat there biting his nails as the car was a red light, clearly being nervous and anxious.

As the light turned green he began driving again, still one hand on the wheel and the other up to his mouth.

Taking my hand up I wrapped it around Shawn's before pulling it away from his mouth. As I did so he glanced at me with confusion. I smiled at him before resting our intertwined hands on my lap.

"Don't be nervous" I smiled.

He sighed in reply as he continued to drive.

"Plus I really hate it when you bite your nails"

"I can't help it" Shawn chuckled a little as he threw me a quick smirk.

I shook my head before staring out my window, watching all the trees become a blur as we drove past them.

"Do they know you're coming?" I asked.

"No, I thought a surprise visit would be better. After all I don't want them to set up the University for something they may not have even cared about just because I'm coming" Shawn explained.

"I'm sure they cared" I comforted.

"Yeah maybe at times but from what I've heard all they've done is put up suicidal prevention posters up. As if that's going to help anyone" Shawn moaned.

"They probably feel just as confused as you" I sighed.

"I don't care, they should've still payed more attention. I should've payed more attention" Shawn muttered.

I remained holding his hand as I didn't let myself look at him. I knew today was going to be hard and I knew that today was going to be tense for him. I just had to deal with it, after all he needs me and I'm not going anywhere.

We were going back to his old university today. We were going to have a meeting with a few of Alessia's old teachers to try find out anything that could give us a clue to why Alessia did what she did. The next week was going to be an emotional rollercoaster as I was prepared to be Shawn's rock for whatever may crash into him.

Shawn needed this

[Shawn's POV]

Holding Mia's hand I pushed open the double doors of the University before holding it open for her. As the door closed behind us I let myself stand there as my eyes wondered around the large front room, the room where Alessia and I first signed up for our classes together.

"Are you sure you can do this Shawn?" Mia asked, grabbing my attention.

Looking down at her her big blue eyes gave me so much comfort that I felt like I could do anything, anything with just having her by my side.

"Lets do this" I smiled before squeezing her hand.


Sitting in the principles office I tried to listen to what he was saying but all I could think about was how neither of us saw anything happening.

"Did she ever come to you? For advice or anything?" I asked, sitting forward in my chair as I nervously held my hands together.

"The only time she came to me is when she needed help with transferring one her classes, it interfered with her working times outside of school" he explained.

I nodded as I remembered the time she had to do that.

Biting on the inside of my lip I looked over at Mia as I surprisingly listened to her begin to talk.

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