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Song of the chapter- Right Now by One Direction

Waking up on the sofa I slowly opened my eyes as they adjusted to the light. Sitting up I realised that Shawn wasn't here anymore. I frowned before crashing my feet to the floor and standing up.

Yawning I pulled my hair out of its bun before letting it fall down past my shoulders.

Walking my way through the hall way I then turned to see Shawn sitting at the table on his phone.

"I thought you had left" I yawned as I tiredly lent on the door frame, folding my arms across my chest.

"I wouldn't leave without saying goodbye" Shawn smiled at me as he turned his phone off and placed it on the table.

"Good because that would be a horrible way to wake up" I smiled before walking over to the back of, wrapping my arms over his shoulders as I rested my head next to his.

"What time is it?" I yawned.

"It's only 7" Shawn chuckled lightly as he checked the time on his phone.

"Jeez it's that early? I thought it was much later then that" I rolled my eyes.

"You weren't asleep that long" he smiled.

Letting go of him I walked round to other chair before sitting down.

"Liam called" Shawn looked over at me, the smile now nonexsistent from his face.

I looked down at my lap uncomfortably as I pulled my legs up onto the chair.

"He said he wanted to apologise but I told him to never talk to you again. I think he's got the message" Shawn explained as he lent back in his chait.

I nodded before pushing my hair to one side.

"He also said he loves you" Shawn said uncomfortably.

Looking over at him he was already looking at me, and behind those eyes I could see him hurting.

"Why are you looking at me like that?" I furrowed my eyebrows, my words soft.

"I just feel guilty" he sighed as he looked down.

I continued to furrow my eyebrows, feeling confused and somewhat frustration for what he had just said.

"You feel guilty? I questioned, Shawn's eyes now looking across at me, his expression soft.

"How do you think I feel? How do you think I feel to know that I kissed another guy who wasn't you?" My voice cracked, I could feel myself wanting to break again.

Small tears began falling from my eyes as yet again we were sat there replaying what happened last night, but of course we had to talk about it. We had to talk about it properly.

"But you didn't kiss him Mia, he kissed you. There's a difference, okay? You did nothing wrong, I was the one who did everything wrong" he sighed, thinking his words were comforting to me.

I furrowed my eyebrows at him as I folded my arms, a clear annoyed frown on my face.

"Yeah well I don't agree with you. This happened to me, not you. You have no idea what it feels like to have your pride taken away from you" I shook my head, the tears falling heavily down my cheeks, as I looked straight into Shawn.

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