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Song of the chapter- She'll Be The One by Shawn Mendes

Taking my wine glass off the table I rose it to my lips before taking a sip of it.

I was sat around one of the round tables, Grayson sitting one side of me as Charlie and Izzy sat on the other side.

I was just blankly staring st the dance floor as people danced along to the music, a bunch of our year group jumping up and down to the best from the intoxication of alcohol.

Colby's parents had decided to supply not only the adults, but also us, with alcohol because they wanted us to celebrate Colby in the way that we would if he was at this party with us.

"Hey, you okay?" Grayson asked, managing to grab my attention.

Turning to look at him I gave him a smile before laughing lightly.

"I'm fine" I smiled.

Laying his arm along the back of my chair Grayson just smiled at me before taking his hand up to my face and pushing my stray curls behind my ear.

"You sure because you were up in your room for a really long time and now you're barely saying anything?" Grayson explained, his hand still fiddling with my hair.

"I just hate funerals" I sighed.

"No one likes them Mia" Grayson rose his eyebrows at me and I just rolled my eyes.

Looking away from him I folded my arms comfortably across my chest as Grayson's hand soon fell off my hair.

[Shawn's POV]

Straightening up my blazer I walked my way through one of the rooms before reaching the main hall of where everyone was.

Just as I was about to take a step into the hall I heard my name.

"Mr Mendes!" Someone called my name again causing me to stop.

Turning around Hayes was stood at the front entrance of the hotel,only the two of us being present in here.

"Hey Hayes" I smiled as I shoved my hands in my pockets.

He just stood there looking down at his hands which held a piece of paper, one of which he held firmly onto.

"I saw you and Mia go back to her room earlier" He said as he rose his eyebrows at me.

"Listen-" I was about to explain everything but he cut me off.

"You don't need to explain Sir, it's her who needs to do the explaining" Hayes said, tightening his jaw.

I just knitted my eyebrows together at him, not quite getting what he was trying to get at.

"What you got there?" I asked, gesturing to the piece of paper.

He looked down at it before folding it back up and putting it back in his pocket.

"It's just something I wrote for Colby's parents" he said.

I nodded before walking towards the stair case and taking a seat on one of the steps.

"I wrote them a letter too" I smiled as I reached into the inside picket of my blazer before pulling out the lettor.

"What did you say?" Hayes asked as he walked his way over to me before sitting next to me.

"I just said about how great Colby was too teach" I shrugged as I held the envelope in my hands.

"What about you?" I returned the question as I looked over at him.

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