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Song of the chapter- Girl Crush, covered by Harry Styles

Standing in my living room I anxiously waited for Shawn, he had been gone for hours and he want picking up my calls.

It was already eleven at night and I was worried sick. I didn't know what he was thinking or what he was doing.

[Shawn's POV]

Pulling up outside of Liam's apartment complex I had managed to find his address after calling him, pretending that I wanted to speak to him about helping Mia with her school work.

Rushing out of my car, my blood boiled more and more as I neared the entrance of his complex.

I stormed my way through the hall and up all the flights of stairs until I reached his floor.

I felt my fists ball up, getting tighter and tighter with every step I took.

Finally reaching Liam's door I hit a heavy knick against. When it eventually opened I felt everything in me anger as he stood in front of me.

"So you wanted to talk about Mia?" He asked casually.

I clenched my jaw before gripping onto the collar of his shirt and pushing through apartment until his back up against the wall.

"What the fuck Mendes!" He shouted as he tried to release himself from my grip.

"I know what you did to Mia, you're disgusting and absolutely vile. I swear you are gonna pay for everything you done to her" I hissed as looked him dead in the eye.

"Why do you care? I fucking did nothing" he denied, showing no mercy for what he did.

"Well I don't fucking believe you, and why do I care? I care because I care about her I promised to her that I'd never let anyone hurt but you, you just had to ruin that" I snapped as I gripped onto him tighter.

"Crushing on your student are you Mendes? What would the school say if I told them their little straight A student was having a secret love affair everyone's most favoured teacher?" He threatened, as a smile grew onto his face.

Letting go of he smirked up at me, thinking he had managed to persuade me from doing anything.

Pulling my arm back I then threw my arm forward, allowing my balled up fist to connect with his jaw.

He groaned as he stumbled a little, holding onto his jaw as his angered eyes looked up at me.

He went to punch me but I quickly dodged it before grabbing onto his shoulders and kneeling him in the stomach.

"Don't you ever fucking dare touch Mia again" I shouted as he circled over in pain.

Grabbing his shoulders again I pulled him up before swinging my fist back and then throwing another punch to his face.

"And don't you dare go near her or any other girl ever again!"

He just groaned as coughed out loud, holding onto his stomach.

Leaning over him I pulled his head by his hair. Blood was pouring down from his bruised lip as the redness under his eye began bruising over.

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