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Song of the chapter- Midnight Train by Sam Smith

With another two weeks having passed it was only a week until Colby's funeral, and another few days till Hayes was being discharged from hospital. I hadn't got involved in any planning of the funeral and I quote frankly I didn't even want to go to it.

This would be my first funeral. My first funeral was going to be Colby's and I never thought that I'd have to say that.

But here I am. Here I am sat in the front seat of my Brother's car,just staring at the double doors of the school.

"You don't have to go back if you're not ready Mia" Caleb took me out of my stare as I began looking away from the school and back at him.

"No I want to, I really need to study for my exams" I sighed, giving him a small smile.

He gave me a sympathetic smile before gently putting his hand on my shoulder.

"Call me if you want to come home or anything" he smiled as he lightly shook my shoulder.

"Okay" I simply replied before giving him another subtle smile.

I then looked away before grabbing my bag off the floor and pushing open the car door. Stepping out onto the concrete I shivered as the coldness of the air ran across my body.

"Oh don't forget your hoodie, don't want you to catch a cold" Caleb said causing me to turn around and face him.

I tried to hide the pained expression on my face as I looked at the maroon hoodie he held in his hands.

"Thanks" I mumbled as I took the hoodie from his hands.

We said our goodbyes and I just stood there until Caleb's car was out of distance.

Looking down at the hoodie I felt the ever-aching pain hit me harder against my chest.

Holding tightly onto the maroon material I read across the white material, spelling 'eagle'.

I didn't know what to do with it so instead I just shoved it as much as I could into my bag, it's sleeves hanging out.

Turning back around I let out a deep breath as I stared up at the double doors. I found myself walking towards them, the silence surrounding me.

Everyone was in class and I couldn't have come at a worse time. I was going to have to walk into the middle of Shawn's class.

Reaching the double doors I pushed one open until I was engulfed in the heat of the school.

As soon as I began walking down the empty hallways I realised that nothing was ever going to feel the same again. These halls would never be the same, and neither would this entire place.

I walked and I walked until I was outside the door of class B1, my English class.

I stood infront of the lockers, making sure no one could see me from inside. I breathed in and out deep breaths, trying to remove any anxiety I was feeling.

No matter what I did, from closing my eyes to holding my breath, I could still feel the whirlwind of anxiety and nerves in the pit of my stomach.

Just suck it up Mia, you've only got five months left until you get out of this place.

Just five months left of trying to pass, just five months left of being a senior and just five months left of having to see his face everyday.

Giving in I walked over to the door before firmly placing my hand on the handle. Pushing it down I pushed open the door to see all the chairs out into a circle, three of which were empty.

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