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Song of the chapter- Broken hearted girl by Beyonce

Hanging up on Shawn's fifth call now I placed my phone on it's screened, letting out a sigh as I returned to Liam's attention.

"Looks like someone is really desperate to talk to you" Liam laughed.

"They can wait, right now passing my exams are the most important thing to me" I smiled, pushing Shawn and Amelia to the back of my head.

"Well I'm glad to hear it because as your tutor I want nothing more then for you to get an A" Liam grinned, clearly being determined to make me do well.

"We can try but no promises" I smiled before picking my pen up.

Just as I was about to write down the next question I felt Liam's hand clasp over the top of mine, making me stop writing.

Looking up at him he gave me comforting smile.

"Mia I've known you as long as I can remember and I know that something is wrong" Liam said.

Looking down at out hands his hand still remained on the top of mine, his thumb soothing over my knuckles.

"It's nothing" I shook my head before taking my hand away from Liam's and picking my pen back up.

"Don't lie to me Mia, it's written all over your face" Liam said in a genuine tone.

"It's complicated, I can't explain or tell you without telling you the whole truth and I can't do that" I replied.

"Then tell me the whole truth, you can trust me Mia" Liam's hand travelled on my thigh, catching me off guard.

"I appreciate that you care Liam but it doesn't matter nor is it any of your business" I hesitantly replied as I removed his hand off my leg.

"But it is Mia. I care about you and if some other guy who hurts you think that you're easy to let go then they are so fucking stupid because I promise that I'd never do that to you" again his hand found it's way onto my leg, rising further up my thigh.

"I don't know what's got into Liam but I need you to stop" I said commandingly.

"But I don't want to" was his only reply as hand continued to travel further up my thing until it reached my crotch area.

That's when I froze, in that moment I felt my whole body become violated and unsafe.

I just remained looking forward, unable to move or speak as I took in the shock of his unexpected action towards me.

"I know you fancy me Mia and I promise that I'll never hurt you or upset like whatever that guy did today" Liam whispered as his hot breath spiralled down my neck.

His hand soon travelled off my crotch as gripped around my waist.

I felt a suďden rush of being free as my whole body sunk into what was going on, allowing me to realise what was going on.

I felt his lips soon press against the skin of my neck, his teeth digging into me he placed rough kisses along my neck.

All I could think about what Shawn, I betraying Shawn. I was cheating on, and it was all my fault.

"Please stop" I struggled to pull away from him as his grip was too tight to move from.

"Don't deny how much you enjoy it Mia" Liam smirked.

I felt disgusted and violated.

I kept repeating for him to stop as I forcefully kept trying to pull out of his hold. I finally managed to free myself from his grip before quickly standing, quickly turning so I was looking at him.

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