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Song of the chapter: Caught Up by Sarah Close

The laughter filled the whole room as we all sat around in the front room. We all were at Colby's and by all I mean me, Colby (ofcourse), Hayes, Grayson, Charlie, Izzy, Sasha and Katy.

Taking a beer off the table I grabbed the bottle opener before attaching it onto the top of the lid.

"Hey Mia, pass me the opener once your done" Colby said as he reached over the coffee table while I sat the other side on the floor.

Once the lid popped off I passed him the opener before shifting into a more comfortable position.

"Let's have some fun, how about spin the bottle?" Izzy beamed as she grabbed an empty bottle from next to her.

"No thanks, I'm out" I announced as everyone else agreed to the idea.

"Come on Mia, it's just a bit of fun" Hayes smirked.

"She doesn't have to do it if she doesn't want to" Colby interjected.

"No it's fine, pass me the bottle" I smirked back at Hayes, there's no way I was going to lose against him but to be honest this was a losing game for anyone.


As the bottle spun round again I anxiously sat with my legs curled underneath me. I hated this game.

As the bottle came to a stop it landed on me, after all I was the only who was yet to have a turn.

"I have an idea, Mia I dare you take off your top" Hayes smirked thinking that I was some girl of innocence.

"Is that seriously all you've got?" I laughed before reaching the bottom of my top and pulling it over my head to reveal my lacy black bra, which luckily weren't exactly see through.

Looking back at Hayes his eyes remained glued onto me, a more jaw dropping expression.

"Watch where you look, she's off limits" Colby shook Hayes shoulder with a hint of seriousness in his voice.

Colby then lent forward and spun the bottle round before quickly flashing me a smile.

I gave him a smile back before pushing my hair forward, so I was somewhat less exposed.

After a couple more turns which I weren't involved with the bottle landed on Grayson.

"Kiss the persons ear on your left" Charlie dared.

I gulped as I realised that I was on the left of Grayson.

Grayson turned and looked at me before laughing.

"I won't hurt you, don't worry" he laughed before moving my hair out of the way.

I felt his cold lips kiss the top of my ear before pulling ever so gently on the lobe of my ear.

"He said a kiss Grayson, not bite!" Sasha gasped as she laughed loudly.

Grayson pulled his lips away from me before smirking at Sasha and then looking back at Colby who was obviously trying to hide the jealousy on his face.

I ignored it before readjusting my legs so I was more comfortable.

After many more turns Colby, Hayes and I were the only ones without our tops on which didn't seem to faze any of us.

As the last bottle turned I watched as it landed on Hayes.

"How about you get a seven minutes in heaven with a girl of your choice" Katie smirked causing Hayes to flash me a smile, I instantly groaned as I flung my head back.

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