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Song of the chapter- Turning Tables by Adele

Rushing out of the taxi I slammed the door behind me as I began running towards the front door of Shawn's house.

Running up the steps I pressed down on the door handle, only for the front door to be unlocked.

Getting inside I shut the door behind me before frantically turning around to see all the lights still on.

"Shawn?" I shouted, panic escalating throughout my body.

I was faced with the most deafening silence, the sounds of the outside wind whistling through the house.

"Shawn?" I shouted again as I walked into the living room.

Searching my eyes around the room my heart sunk into the pit of my stomach as I realised he wasn't here.

Walking over to the window I struggled to pull down the open window. Once I shut it I let out a deep breath before turning back round and staring at the room.

You could tell that he hadn't been here that long ago. The cushions on the sofa were moved, the tv left on pause.

Walking over to the coffee table I picked up the controller before pressing unpause.

Staring at the tv the film began playing. He had been watching Friends. I felt my stomach tighten as I watched the scene play, it was the one where Ross cheated on Rachel.

'How could you?'

As Rachel shouted those words all I could remember was back to what happened between Shawn and I back at my hotel room.

I remembered how I shouted and cried, and how he cried and pleaded with me.

Most of all I could remember how he said he loved me, something which I was never going to hear again.

Plunging down onto Shawn's sofa I put my head in my hands as I began sobbing uncontrollably. The steaming tears fell continuously down my face as my palms and head fell sweaty from all the fear rushing through my body.

My cries soon became loud as I felt my chest rise rapidly up and down.

Pushing my hands through my hair I let out a shaky breath as I tried to control my crying, but I couldn't.

I couldn't stop shaking as I pulled down on the sleeves of my hoodie. Biting down harshly on my lip my eyes were practically blury from all the tears.

I was too late. Shawn's life is completely going to change and it's all my fault.

[Shawn's POV]

Sitting at one side of the table I rested my arms along the table, holding my hands together as I fiddled with my fingers.

I was now in a pair of grey joggers and a grey jumper, my hair lazily hanging over my forehead.

I was surrounded by four faint coloured walls, only an orange dim light hanging from the celin above the table.

"Officer Peters interviewing defendant, Shawn Mendes with Mrs Ashley as his attorney. Start time of interview: 9:08 hours" the prosecutor said once starting the recording device, which rested on one side of the table.

Next to me was my attorney, Mrs Ashley. She was here to support me in fighting my case, being present in my interview so Officer Peters couldn't discourage me into saying anything stupid.

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