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Song of the chapter- These Days by Rudimental

Knocking against Grayson's door I awaited for him to open the door, it already being nine at night.

Finally the door opened to reveal Grayson in a pair of sweats and a white top.

"What are you doing here?" He questioned as he stepped aside for me to come in, knowing that I'd usually call it I was coming over.

As I walked in I bit down hard on my lip, just managing to brush away the tears back in the car.

Once Grayson shut the door I turned around to look at him and as I stared up at him his face softened at me, my previous crying clear from all the mascarara leaking down my face.

"Come here" he whispered as he opened his arms.

Walking into his arms he wrapped them tightly around me as I cried into his chest. Clenching my eyes together I began sobbing into his chest, Grayson's hand stroking the back of my head.

"Oh hey.. Mia?" I heard Grayson's older brother, Harry, before he was hushed my Grayson.

He then went quiet but I could still sense his presence a little behind me.

"I'll go order us some dominoes, pizza can cure anything" Harry said cautiously as I began lifting my head off Grayson's chest, turning my head slightly to look at Harry.

Sniffling a little I smiled slightly at him for how sweet he was, suppressing anymore bellowing sobs from leaving my lips.

"That'd be great" I said, my voice croaky.

He gave me a tight smile before walking away and into the living room.


Sitting on the sofa, Harry was sat next to me as Grayson sat on the opsoite sofa on the other side of the coffee table.

The two pizza boxes were layed out on the top of the table, one pepperoni and the other just a margarita.

It was just the three of us in the house, their parents being at a party while their other brother was at a friends house.

"I'm going out for a few drinks with my mates later if you guys want to come" Harry said before taking another bite out if his slice of pizza.

"No thanks, I'm not really in the drinking mood" I gave Harry a small to show I was appreciative of his offer.

"You don't have to drink Mia. Going out would be really good for you" Grayson explained, wiping his greasy fingers on a piece of tissue.

"How will it be good for me? There's no doubt in my mind that people from school will be there and I'm not gonna sit there with people looking at me in shame when they don't even know the full story" I groaned in aggravation causing Grayson to sigh.

"Yeah well everyone knows that Mr Mendes was the one in the wrong so if anything they'll be on your side" Grayson rolled his eyes.

For some reason I felt my body tense up, my blood slowly boiling as he's admitting all the fault on Shawn.

I just glared at him as Grayson didn't day anything. He just again rolled his eyes before standing up.

"I'm gonna go grab some beers from the shop. We'll talk when I get back" Grayson mumbled before disappearing out of the house.

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