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Song of the chapter- Ava by FAMY

This is my third day in bed since the break up. I hadn't left the house and with school starting back up tomorrow I was definitely going to make it four days.

My Mum had taken the week off to be with me. She didn't want to leave me alone while I was still in the early stages of bereavement.

Yes it was still killing me to know Colby was gone, but going through a break up was killing in its self.

I hadn't really slept at all and the only way I did was if I cried myself to sleep.

Neither Shawn or I tried to get in contact with each other. I was still beyond angry at him and I knew that he knew that. We were done with eachother and that was his fault.

Grabbing me from my thoughts I heard a soft knock against my bedroom door.

"Come in" I called out loud enough for  the person to hear.

As the door opened I was expecting to see my Mum but much to my surprise it wasn't.

There Grayson stood holding the door open, a small smile on his face as he looked at me.

"Why aren't I surprised that you're in bed?" He laughed lightly as he walked in before closing the door behind him.

"Because I am having the shittiest start to 2018 ever" I said, a hint of sarcasm, as I sat up in my bed but still keeping the duvet over me.

"That's why I'm here, now give me a hug. I've been craving one all week" Grayson smiled before walking over to the bed and sitting down so he was facing me.

As he engulfed me in a hug I wrapped my arms loosely around his. I then heard him chuckling slightly.

"What?" I furrowed my eyebrows as we parted.

"You need to have a shower, you smell so bad" he pinched his nose between two fingers.

Yeah well, that's what happens when the person you love most cheats on you. You grieve the worst type of breakup.

But Grayson didn't know that, I hadn't told him. I was somewhat too embarrassed to tell him, he would just tell me 'I told you so'.

"What? Shower and then just lay back in the same bed sheets I've been sleeping in for the past week?" I rolled my eyes before pulling my knees up to my chin.

"No, you are going to shower and then I'm going to take you out to eat" He smiled as he lent back on his hands.

"I don't want to go out or eat" I groaned.

"You're coming out Mia whether you like it or not, you need some fresh air" Grayson insisted but I just flopped back down before putting the pillow next to me over my face.

"You can even invite Mr Mendes if you want, we can go out of the city" as soon as I heard the mention of his name my body froze and my spine shivered in anger.

"No, just us two sounds good" I said coldly.

Grayson didn't say anything but instead I felt the pillow being lifted off me. As my once blocked out sight became into focus I looked up to see Grayson's face above mine.

His eyebrows were knitted together as it looked as if he was trying to read me.

"What happened?" He asked.

"Nothing" I shrugged before sitting up, Grayson moving his head back as I did.

"Then why don't you want him to come? I thought you would have jumped at the chance" Grayson said.

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