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"Come here, Hyunjin!" I asked him to follow me to my room.

Another perk of just being three: we each had our own room. That was a huge privilege taking into account how everyone had to share a room in the other dorms.

"What do you need?" He asked me as we went inside the room. "I think I've never been here before."

"Really?" I asked him shocked

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"Really?" I asked him shocked. "Anyways, I wanted to show this to you."

I then took out my laptop and opened the file of one of the songs I was working on: <Re-Bye>.

"I haven't recorded the vocals yet, but I'll sing it now. Don't laugh if my voice cracks." I said.

 I played the song and sung along, focusing on the reactions he had and the expressions he made while listening to it.

"I really like it!" He exclaimed. "Was this one of the songs Chan was talking about before?"

"No, that's why I called you alone." I began explaining. "I want this to be a duet and I was wondering if you could sing the male part for the demo."

"Of course I can! Anything for you." He said giving me a back hug as I was sitting on the chair.

"Thank you, really, I owe you one." I said standing up and taking the laptop with me.

"It's nothing. I would do it anytime. The song is also amazing, if I do say so myself."

We then went back to the living room. Chan and Mika were chatting while Changbin and Leah were watching TV. Leah was lying down with her head on Changbin's lap. I then looked to the table and saw all the empty bowls and the dirty pan on the table.

"Aren't you going to wash this?" I asked the girls.

"I cooked!" Mika quickly said.

"I'm too lazy." Said Leah.

"And I always clean the dorm and you don't see me complaining." I protested. "Plus, Mika, you only cook ramen."

"To cook the perfect ramen you need to place the silver, perfect sized, pot on the preheated cooker and wait for it to reach the boiling point. Then, after the water's boiling you need t wait for the perfect, exact moment to put the curled noodles and separate them. Once it's done, you need to add the perfectly chopped, dried out vegetables and the carefully brewed sauce." Mika began ranting.

"It's just putting a flipping bag of instant noodles on a pot. There's not much science to it." I said stopping her.

"It was worth the try." She said shrugging.

"Leah, wash the dishes." I told her.

"Respect your elders!" She said.

Mika was the oldest (1997), then Leah (1998) and finally me (2000), so they always used the 'elder card' on me.

"Leah, could you please be so kind as to wash the dishes?" I asked her with a fake smile.

"Hmm... No, I don't think so." She said and Mika high-fived her.

"I hate you so much, you have no idea..." I muttered while carrying the dishes to the kitchen.

"I'll help you!" Hyunjin said putting the gloves on. "I wash them and you dry them, alright?"

After thanking him, we got to work. There wasn't much to wash and we were quicker as it was the two of us, so we were done in a flash. We also chatted and joked around while doing so, so it was less burdensome.

We then went back to the living room and I prepared the two songs on the laptop.

"Okay, ready!" I said and everyone turned their attention towards me.

The girls then stood up and joined me. The first song we were going to sing was <Sweet Talk>. I was really nervous as I had always trained for rap and whenever we rehearsed a song with the rest of the trainees, they gave me the rap parts. I was surprisingly the only rapper among all the girls training.


"That was amazing!" Changbin exclaimed as they all applauded us. "Damn, Soojin, I didn't know you could sing!"

"You've only heard me rapping, right?" I asked him and he nodded.

"I believe I haven't heard you singing either." Chan added.

"From Stray Kids only I have." Hyunjin said. "And it was by accident."

"By accident?" Leah curiously asked.

"She was rehearsing late at night one of the evaluation songs and she sung the parts that weren't hers as well." He explained. "She thought she was alone as I went inside the dance room without making any noise.

"I believe it was one from Miss A, although I don't remember which one." I said. "It was probably <Good-bye Baby>."

"Yeah, I think it was that one." Hyunjin agreed.

We then began discussing the technical elements of the song and Chan gave me some tips to improve my vocals. We all were extremely thankful for that.

"Can I take the song with me so that I can further analyze it?" He asked. "I want to make sure I don't miss a thing."

"Yes, of course. Take this pen drive." Mika said giving it to him.

"But that pen drive is Soojin's." Leah reminded her. "It has her songs on it too."

"Do you mind?" Mika asked me.

"Not at all." I reassured her. "I trust them."

They had told us they were busy, so they quickly left after that, leaving us alone once again.

"Movie night?" Leah asked.

"Movie night!" Mika and I said at the same time.

Fight for it? RESQ - Stray Kids Hyunjin FF (RESQ SAGA PART 2)Where stories live. Discover now