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When the girls left in the morning to pick up their things from their dorm, we were left alone eating breakfast.

"Guys, I need your advice." I asked the boys.

I barely ever asked them for advice; it was almost always them asking me for it, so they were shocked and paid attention to me instantly.

"What happened?" Minho asked me. "Is something wrong?"

"No. Well, yes... I don't know..." I said and shook my head.

"Does it have anything to do with Mika?" Changbin quickly found out.

"How do you know?" I asked him.

"You only stutter when you talk about her." Hyunjin told me. "Plus you two slept together yesterday, so..."

I then proceeded to tell them the whole story.


When we went inside the room, I realized it only had three beds and there was no space for the four of us.

"Well, I forgot about the fact our room was made up of a bunk bed and a normal one..." I told Mika awkwardly.

"Don't worry, I'll ask the other boys if I can sleep in their room." She told me.

"No!" I quickly stopped her. "I... we... we can sleep together. Unless you mind, of course! This is too awkward, sorry. I shouldn't have offered you that, why would you even-?"

"Chan, it's okay." She said covering my mouth and laughed. "We can sleep together. We are friends, like you always say."

The atmosphere then turned extremely tense. The way she said that clearly stated that she was mad about it, but I didn't know what to do.

"Are you trying to tell me something?" I asked her. "You know I'm not exactly good at hints. Seven years of knowing each other should give you that much information."

"Chan..." She asked turning serious. "In these past seven years, have you ever seen me as something other than a friend?"

"Like a best friend?" I asked her.

"You were right; hints aren't really your thing. Never mind me." She said and sat down on the bed about to go to sleep.

It then all clicked. The question she asked me, her hatred towards the word 'friend' and how close we were only meant that she felt some kind of attraction towards me. I really liked her, I'm not going to deny it, but I thought she only liked me as a friend.

Gathering up all the courage I had, grabbed her face and kissed her passionately. It took her a few seconds to respond, but she eventually did.

When we pulled apart, I didn't know what to do. We suddenly became really awkward and quickly went to sleep with our backs facing each other. I was too shy to look at her in the face no matter how badly I wanted. I had never been so happy in my entire life.


"... So I don't know how to act around her after that." I told the boys, finishing my story. "I shouldn't have done that."

"Why not?" Felix asked me. "I actually think you did the right thing. You've liked each other for years, it was about time you two got together."

"The thing is we aren't together, we just kissed." I explained. "And then there is the dating ban. I don't know about her, but we have a three-year dating ban. We can't date."

"You can try dating secretly." Jeongin suddenly said and we looked at him shocked. "What? I may be younger than all of you, but I know what I would do if that happened to me. If I truly loved that girl, I would date her no matter what. Of course I'd be careful, but that wouldn't stop me from dating her."

"I think... I think that's the most grown up thing I've ever heard you say." Woojin said shocked. "Are you feeling okay?"

"Oh, come on!"



Mika and I went to the JYP building where we would be preparing for our soon-to-be debut. Our first stop was the recording studios. We would be recording five songs as it would be a mini album.

"The title track is going to be Selfish." The producer informed us. "The mini album will have the same name."

"Which songs will make up the album?" I asked him.

"Selfish, Lower, Is Who and Yes I Am in that order." She said. "JYP thought those were the best for your first album."

"Perfect, thank you."

"Let's start recording now, shall we?" She said and Mika went inside the studio booth.

As we had written the songs, the producer let me give her instructions and tips apart from hers. The contract said the producers would only be an aid; we had to do everything by ourselves.

"Try making your voice more breathy during that part." I told Mika. "I feel it will sound more fitting with the style of the song."

After around forty minutes, because I am a real perfectionist, it was finally time for me to record. I went inside the booth and adjusted everything for my height before proceeding to record.

"Do you want the clean guide or the one with Mika's recordings?" The producer asked me.

"The one with Mika's voice. I need her voice to know which style to give the rap." I informed her.

After that, I began recording. It took longer than Mika's part because I needed the rap flow to feel perfect and to fit Mika's tone and singing style. I was really pleased with how it turned out, though.

We then listened to it a couple of times and it sounded amazing. We really liked how it turned out.

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