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"JYP is known for their teamwork, Park Jinyoung once said that it takes all nine of you, or four in ResQ's case, to become one entire organism. All of them come together and emit their energy." Coni said starting the next segment.

"So, in the past, other JYP groups have succeeded in a teamwork pose." Doni continued.

"Teamwork pose?" Chan asked confused.

We were then shown some pictures which we would have to recreate and we were shocked. They looked really difficult and even more so taking into account we were thirteen people.

"We have a problem here!" Mika said pointing to our skirts. "Please, let us change in a second and we'll be back."

Once they gave us permission, we quickly went to our lockers and picked up our training clothes, quickly changing into them before going back to the room.

"We're ready!" Lin said once we were back. "Did you come up with a plan while we were away?"

"Basically you will all be the ones we pick up along with Han and I.N, " Woojin told us and we nodded."

I was told to be at the front, supporting myself with Hyunjin's back while Woojin held my legs, so I quickly went to my place.

"Sorry if I hurt you!" I told both of them.

"Don't worry," said Hyunjin through gritted teeth as he supported both my weight and Mika's.

Nine seconds later, we thankfully made it, so we didn't need to repeat it.

Next was a pyramid. All of the boys would be at the bottom while all of us, the girls, would be at the top. We agreed on a 4-4-3-2 formation. The ones going at the far bottom would be Hyunjin, Woojin, Chan and Minho; next Changbin, Jeongin, Felix and Seungmin; then Lin, Jisung and I; and finally Mika and Leah.

"Can I get some tape here, please?" Hyunjin suddenly asked the staff referring to his shirt as it was slightly open at the top.

"What is that for?" Doni asked him. 

The boys then tried to help him find a way of fixing it without using tape while the girls and the MC's laughed. It was all useless, though.

"Aish, conservative Hyunjin doesn't want to flash his chest!" I said squeezing his cheeks. "Here, take my jacket."

He then took it and, as I had bought it oversize, it fit him, so he used it.

"For a safe show," Doni and Coni said as I zipped the jacket up.

"Bang Chan, do you want a jacket too?" Asked Coni.

"I'm okay." Said Chan.

"You became the weird one." They told Hyunjin.

We finally then went for it. Even though there were many groans of pain, we somehow managed to make it and then the bottom row took the nine steps with some difficulty.

As soon as we said nine, we all went down of the pyramid and I quickly hugged all of the boys on the bottom row.

"Sorry!" I said as I hugged them.

"Now you will continue the tradition of all the other JYP artists. And we uncovered a unique character too: the member who is always worried about safety," Doni said and Hyunjin immediately handed me my jacket.

"The closeness between groups shows even at moments like this," Coni said. "I think I've never seen male and female groups sharing clothes." 

"You've seen it here for the first time!" I said as if we were in an ad.


"JYP is entertainment!" We all cheered to introduce the last segment.

"Now you will try what other artists of JYP have done on entertainment shows in the past. We'll follow their footsteps." Doni told us. 

First, as Got7 once did, we would have to remove post-it notes from our face in the given time, which was thirty seconds.

"It's simple. You can't use your hands, just your face, to remove the post-its. We'll see who removes the most in thirty seconds and determine a winner." Doni said. "Let's start with Bang Chan's team."

Chan, Jisung and Jeongin then went up and stuck the post-it notes on their faces before proceeding with the task. I laughed like crazy seeing them pull those weird faces. In the end, Chan got the most off: five.

Then it was Seungmin, Felix and Woojin's turn. Seungmin and Felix ended up tied with 6 off each.

Lee Know, Hyunjin and Changbin were the last ones from Stray Kids. Hyunjin amazingly managed to get all but two off, taking us all by surprise. He had completely ruined all his visuals in the process, but it was still pretty funny.

"Now, may all of the girls come up?" Coni told us.

"You are really cold hearted people, you know? Making us lose the little image we have like this," I told them and they just laughed.

"Welcome to the entertainment industry, Soojin!" Coni said back.

After we all had the post-its on our faces we began blowing like crazy and pulling out the most gortesque faces we had ever made. All of the boys were laughing like crazy, but I tried to not let that distract me too much.

"You only have three left, Soojin, you can do it!" Seungmin told me as I apparently was leading.

Just as he said that, I blew with all of my strenght, managing to make two of the post its fall. As I was almost out of breath and there were only around three seconds left, I gave up on that last one and stopped to recover.

"We have our winner here!" Doni said grabbing my right arm and lifting it. "You looked shorter from far away, jeez!"

We then all burst out laughing at his comment.

"How tall are you?" Coni asked me.

"I'm 1.78 metres tall," I told them. "Just a little taller than Lin. Not by much."

"And you are Korean? What did they feed you? Steroids?" Doni said making me fall down on my knees from laughter.


"Thanks to the strong recommendation of JYP, we made the first home visit to an idol group. We enjoyed our time with Stray Kids and ResQ." Doni said wrapping up the program.

"It was so much fun to spend time with the idol masters and the girls from ResQ," Chan said. "Please listen to our song 'My Pace' a lot. We'll try hard to show you the very best of Stray Kids."

"Thank you for having us join the program today and making us pass a great time with Stray Kids." Said Mika. "Please, continue to support ResQ. We'll make sure to continue working hard to always show the best version of ourselves."

Fight for it? RESQ - Stray Kids Hyunjin FF (RESQ SAGA PART 2)Where stories live. Discover now