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"Congratulations, Stray Kids!" Kim Yuri finally announced.

I then immediately tackled Hyunjin in a hug. Their hard work was appreciated and I couldn't be any happier for them.

Suddenly, I felt a tap on my shoulder and a wide-eyed Jeongin pointed towards Chan and Mika, who were kissing. Chan had his hands on Mika's neck, meaning he was the one who initiated it.

"I think that's the first time I've seen them kiss other than for the stage..." Minho said.

Hyunjin then approached them, seeing they weren't stopping, and pulled Chan by his arm, taking him towards the stage to finally receive the award.

"Step out! Hello, we are Stray Kids!" They introduced themselves.

"First off, we sincerely congratulate MAMA for their tenth-year anniversary. Since we were young, we wanted to stand on a big stage known as MAMA and to be standing on this stage, receiving this award, we would sincerely like to thank a lot of people," Chan said. "First off, Park Jinyoung PD, Jungwook CEO and our JYP family, thank you very much. The staff and managers who are always by our side, we are really sincerely grateful. It must have been hard for all of you. And to our family, thank you very much for always being such a big strength to us and of course, our stays. It's like we only have our stays to count on."

"Hey!" Mika suddenly exclaimed, making everyone laugh.

"Yes, Mika, you too," Chan said rolling his eyes.

"We, a team named Stray Kids, really like singing and making music. We would like to say our thanks to each and everyone that sees that and gives us attention. To those in the same age group as us, you must have had a lot of worries and strayed a lot for having followed such a rough path but we hope that by listening to our music you can gain a lot of strength and continue to grow with us in the future. At this moment where we have just received the rookie award at mama seems like a memory we can never forget. Stray Kids will become a team that will always be humble and will always work hard to constantly grow. Thank you!"

"Stay, in the future too, we will make winter warmer for you. Thank you," Hyunjin said. "Also, before finishing, I would like to thank the ResQ girls but specially Soojin. You were there for me every time I felt like giving up and you have always been someone I could count on this past few years. I love you."

"You are going to make me cry, idiot!" I said as my eyes became really watery.

"Last but not least, to stays and kpop fans all around the world: we promise to continue on making new music and inspire everyone all around us. Thank you very much!" Chan said before they all did they group greeting and went back to their seats.

They then all approached us and crouched down in front of us while the names of the nominees in the female category rolled. They played a few seconds of <Oh! My Mistake> and a few of <Regular>, two truly different songs.

"We've already won two out of four. There's no way-" I heard Leah say.

"Congratulations, ResQ!" Yuri announced.

"Oh my god!" I said covering my face with my hands as I cried.

Having won the other award was amazing, but winning one with the rest of the girls made it even better. We were a team, so to me our group awards meant a lot more than the solo ones.

"Come on, Soojin, you need to go!" Hyunjin said pulling me up.

Thanking him and still covering my face, I went with the rest of the girls to pick the award. As Mika was about to give the speech, though, she began crying, so Leah - who was the one whose voice wouldn't crack the most at that moment- took over.

"Is this even real? If someone wakes me up right now I will be furious," Leah joked to lift the mood. "We would like to firstly thank everyone in our JYP family including the staff, Park Jinyoung PD and our manager as well as all of our seniors who paved the way for us. Secondly, but most importantly, we would like to thank our Fighters. Without you, guys, this wouldn't be true. Thank you so much."

"We will continue making more and better music for all of you that represents us and what we would like to show you, guys. This is only the beggining, with our Fighters by our side, we'll conquer the world." Lin said.

"We may have just started as two people in the beggining, but it's four or nothing," Mika continued. "We are just a group of teenage girls who go through the same struggles as everyone our age, so we hope that through our music you are able to cope with them more easily."

"Finally, I think it's almost compulsory for us to thank the Stray Kids boys too, as they are not only our friends but our number one supporters who have been there for us since trainee days," I finished up. "And, Hwang Hyujin, thank you from the bottom of my heart. You are the person I can always go to but, most importantly, you are the person I love. It sounds cheesy and I know the whole venue here just wants us to get off the stage and let the awards continue - don't worry, we'll leave now-, but I had to say it."

"Fight for it!" Mika began.

"ResQ!" We all finished. "This has been ResQ, thank you."

Fight for it? RESQ - Stray Kids Hyunjin FF (RESQ SAGA PART 2)Where stories live. Discover now