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He stopped to look at every detail, from the books in the bookshelf to the pictures hanging on the walls. He suddenly stopped to look carefully at the pictures and smiled at some of them.

"Isn't that the picture we took the day we were celebrating the <Hellevator> MV release?" He asked me pointing to one of the pictures.

I stood up and went next to him to look at it. It was indeed the picture from that day.

I had told all of the boys I would invite them to dinner to celebrate it, but Hyunjin was the only one who showed up in the end

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I had told all of the boys I would invite them to dinner to celebrate it, but Hyunjin was the only one who showed up in the end. They never told me why, though. I still had a lot of fun with him, so I didn't mind too much.

"I have the rest of the pictures we've ever taken here." I said and pulled out an album from the shelf. "Well, not every single one, but the ones that I like the most."

He then took it and began looking through them.

As I was closest to him among all the Stray Kids boys, I had an album just for him. We had taken so many pictures together that they didn't fit inside the one I had for the group.

"Oh, you have this one too!" He said looking at it. "I really love this one. It's my favorite."

"It's my favorite one too. I have it as my wallpaper." I said and showed it to him. "It has been there since around the day we took it, I think."

I had a different picture for the look screen and for the wallpaper and he never took my phone, so he hadn't seen it

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I had a different picture for the look screen and for the wallpaper and he never took my phone, so he hadn't seen it.

He smiled brightly when he saw it and snatched the phone away from my hand.

"Send it to me." He told me. "I want to have it too."

"Sure. Just send it to yourself." I said shrugging and laid down on the bed once again. Search Jinnie, though. Not Hyunjin."

"Wait, you have me saved as Jinnie with a heart?!" He said laughing.

"Hey, do you have any problem with that?" I said and pouted.

"Aw, don't pout!" He said and pinched my lips with his index finger and thumb. "You are so cute when you pout!"

I then turned around to face the other way and felt the bed sink beside me. Suddenly, he wrapped his arm around my waist.

"Are you mad at me?" He asked. "Come on, I know you can't stay mad at me for long."

As I didn't respond, he began tickling me and I laughed maniacally.

"Please, please, stop!" I said in between laughs. "I beg you!"

He then straddled my waist to prevent me from moving. I paid no attention to it as I was more focused on trying not to die from laughter.

The door abruptly opened and Hyunjin stopped tickling me that instant. We looked towards the door to see who it was and saw Changbin standing there awkwardly.

"Sorry for interrupting... whatever you had going on!" He said.

We then looked at the position we were in and Hyunjin quickly stood up while I sat down properly.

"Don't misunderstand it!" I said visibly reddening. "He was just-!"

"Please, don't explain it! I prefer not to know." He quickly said interrupting me. "Chan and Mika called us on a meeting. It seemed important."

We hurried to the living room, worried that something bad had happened. When we arrived there, though, we were met with a completely different sight: Mika and Chan were holding hands.

"Don't tell me you two are dating!" I said gasping. "Oh my god!"

"Well, sit down." Chan ordered us and we did so. "After a long discussion, we have decided to start dating secretly."

We then all cheered for them and began celebrating it. Jisung and Changbin even hugged each other.

"Finally!" Minho exclaimed. "After all these years of tension you are finally dating!"

"I never thought I'd live to see this day." Leah said. "I think I'm going to cry!"

As they all congratulated them, I grabbed Mika's and Leah's arms and pulled them aside. Once I made sure they weren't hearing us, I turned towards them.

"Now, tell us everything." I ordered Mika. "From start to finish."

"You already know what happened!" She said. "What else am I supposed to say?"

"Do you really expect me to not want to know the rest of the story?" I asked her with an incredulous face.

"You really do not know anything about us, do you?" Leah agreed. "After all these years you still think that that would be sufficient."

"Okay, okay! Let me begin with what happened after the day we kissed." Mika begun.

"Wait, wait, wait. You two have kissed?! Why did no one tell me that? Am I the last one to know about this?!" Leah asked shocked.

That made me roll from laughter. It was true that ever since she moved out of the dorm, we forgot to tell her many things simply because we were just to be all together all the time and we weren't used to it.

"Oh, I forgot you didn't know about it. Sorry for not telling you! I promise I just forgot." Mika answered. "Now, where were we?"

Fight for it? RESQ - Stray Kids Hyunjin FF (RESQ SAGA PART 2)Where stories live. Discover now