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"Do you recognise this song?" He asked us.

Suddenly, our song <Selfish> began playing and I was scared. How did he get it?

"That's our song!" Mika exclaimed while I just sat there not knowing what to do.

"It apparently is!" He said and stopped playing it. "Who wrote it?"

"I... I did." I managed to respond although I was still in shock.

"Lyrics and instrumental?" He asked and I nodded. "That's really impressive."

"Thank you, sir."

"Anyways." He said. "I called you both for a reason. After hearing your songs, I want you two to debut in April."

"The two of us? But the songs we made are also with Leah..." Mika said.

"I only heard you both in the songs Chan showed to me." He said confused. 

Chan was a traitor. He showed the songs to JYP without our permission.

"That's because our microphone broke and we didn't have the chance to record them." Mika explained.

"Okay, I'll study that possibility too. In the meantime, you will both debut as a duet." He told me. "You will debut under the name ResQ. I expect a new member to join you after she finishes with her own promotions. If that girl, Leah, is as good as you say she is, she will join you two at the same time as the other member."

"Thank you, sir. We will not disappoint you." Mika said. 

"Please, now read the contracts and sign them when you are done." He told us.

I read it carefully, trying to see if there was anything I didn't agree with. What surprised me, though, was that there wasn't a dating ban.

"Wait, no dating ban?" I asked him confused.

"It's almost like an experiment," he said. "The other girl who will join you doesn't have a dating ban either and I though I would try it just to see what happens. I still don't encourage you to date during your first three years after debut, but you are free to do so if you want to. Just, please, inform me if you get into a relationship so that I can manage it if there ever is a rumor or a scandal."

"Well, that was... unexpected." Said Mika who was just as shocked as I was.

We finally signed our contracts and gave them to him.

"You will start preparing for your debut starting tomorrow. Here is your schedule." He said and gave us our new schedules. "I will tell your teachers you will no longer be taking part in their lessons as trainees. I think there is nothing left to say. Congratulations on officially becoming JYP artists!"

Still in shock, we went out of his office and jumped up and down from excitement.

"We are going to debut!" Mika said excited. "I thought this day would never come."

"Finally all these years of training led to something!" I said and hugged her.

"Wait, how are we going to tell Leah?" Mika asked and we stopped abruptly.

"I almost forgot about that. She's going to feel really hurt after this..."

"We can't hide it from her, though. Let's just pray she doesn't react badly."


"Why did you show it JYP if you knew I wasn't in any of the songs?!" Leah exclaimed as she grabbed Chan by the collar.

We had just told her about our debut and let's just say she didn't really take it well.

"I thought you were in at least one of them!" He reasoned.

"Why didn't you just listen to all of them before doing anything?!" She yelled at him.

"Leah, I think you should calm down a little." Minho told her. "You should try to calm down and we can't talk this out."

"Minho, this is not the time!" She spat out and Minho got scared.

"But he's right, Leah!" Changbin exclaimed. "I know for a fact you will regret it later if you don't relax a little. So just sit down and calm down, please."

Sighing, she finally let Chan go and sat down on the couch. A few seconds later she looked my way and made the first question.

"What did you say to him when he told you you would debut?" She asked.

"We told him we also made some songs with you and he said he would he keeping an eye on you. If he thinks you are good enough for debut, he will have you join us in a few months." I explained calmly.

"Great, so I'm in trial mode now?" She said and grabbed her hair from frustration. "Okay, I'll have to try my best to join you now."

She then went towards Chan and straightened his shirt's collar. He looked scared, but relaxed she meant no harm.

"I know you will make it, Leah. I have faith in you!" Felix cheered.

"I think I will sleep in the other girls dorm tonight, though. I need to cool off." She said and went to her room to prepare her bag.

"I didn't think she would take it this badly..." Mika muttered.

"Sorry for making this uncomfortable for you." Chan apologized. "I thought it would be of help..."

"Don't worry; you didn't know this would happen." Mika reassured him.

"I think it's best if you sleep at our dorm tonight." Seungmin said. "Leah drinks when she's frustrated and we don't know what could happen."

"That's true; she sometimes gets aggressive after drinking." Mika agreed.

"We have free beds, let's go." Chan said.

We then went towards our rooms to pick up our things. Leah came out of her room that instant.

"I'll... I'll get going. See you all tomorrow." She said and left without saying another word.

When we finished preparing our bags, we finally left with the boys.

Fight for it? RESQ - Stray Kids Hyunjin FF (RESQ SAGA PART 2)Where stories live. Discover now