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At half past nine we decided to take Jaehyun to sleep. The other teams were playing rock paper scissors to see in which room the kids had to stay, but in our case we didn't have to as we were together in the same room. The rest, though, thought the kids were staying in my room.

"You can stay here with them, I'll go up with him." I told Hyunjin.

"Are you sure?" He asked and I nodded. "Okay, I'll go up in a bit."

After that, I took a sleepy Jaehyun upstairs to our room and helped him change into his pajamas. Once that was done, I quickly went to the bathroom to change too and went back with him.

"Do you want me to tell you a story?" I asked him as we both laid down.

"Yes!" He said excited. "A new story!"

I then began thinking of all the stories for kids I remembered and they were basically only the disney ones, but I didn't want to tell them those.

"Once upon a time, there were this two teens named Hyunjun and Sooji." I began saying but he didn't catch up to the fact that I had literally just changed a letter in Hyunjin and I's names. "Sooji was a solitary girl who had just two friends and didn't open up to anybody. She was also shy and people harassed her a lot."

"What is harassed, noona?" Jaehyun asked me.

"It is when people say bad things to you." I explained before continuing. "One day, everything changed. Hyunjun arrived to her school and started speaking to her, making her laugh more and be more confident. They both became really close and, thanks to Hyunjun, she was able to do things she would have never dreamed of before."

"Did they marry and live happily ever after?" Jaehyun asked.

"That's for the end of the story, silly!" I said making him laugh. "Now, where was I? Oh, yes! They were really closed and did everything together as best friends, but one day, everything changed. One of her friends, Mina, asked her how she felt about Hyunjun which made her confused. 'What should I do?' Sooji thought. 'Do I liked Hyunjun?' Day after day she asked herself about this until, one day, Hyunjun approached her and suddenly kissed her. Sooji was really confused, but eventually realised that he loved him very much and, after a few days, they decided to talk about it. They then confessed to each other and they decided to start dating. Since then, they have been living their little happily ever after."

"I... I like the story." Jaehyun said yawning and snuggling into me. "I want Hyunjun and Sooji to be together forever."

"I want so too, Jaehyun." I said and kissed the top of his head. "Now go to sleep and have really sweet dreams."

I hadn't even finished saying the sentence when I notice he was already fast asleep. He was extremely cute as he pouted and I invonluntarily smiled. As I was really tired too, I hugged him and decided to take a little nap before Hyunjin came.



"I think I'm going up now." I said standing up from the couch, taking a sleeping Jaebeom with me. 

"We'll be going up in a few minutes too." Chan said. "Rest well."

"Oh, and ask Soojin if there's any advances in what-we-both-know." Mika said and smiled.

"O...kay?" I said confused before heading upstairs.

Once I opened the door I saw that not only Jaehyun was asleep, but Soojin too and smiled. Without making any noise I took out my phone and took a picture of them, which gladly didn't wake them up.

I then layed Jaebeom on the small bed that they had prepared for him before going to the bathroom to quickly change into my pajamas and going back. Once it was all done, I carefully layed down on the bed next to Jaehyun and wrapped an arm around him, making sure it reached Soojin.

She then suddenly moved and I cursed at the fact that I had woken her up.

"Jinnie?" She said rubbing her eyes. "What time is it?"

"It's already half past ten. Continue sleeping." I told her, rubbing her arm. "Sorry for waking you up."

"Don't worry, it's okay." She said and kissed my hand. 

"Sooji and Hyunjun..." Jaehyun suddenly said in his sleep and Soojin blushed.

"Sooji and Hyunjun?" I asked her. "Did he get our names wrong?"

"No... it's a tale I told him." She said.

"With those names?" I asked her laughing. "Which story was it?"

"Our story..." She said smiling. "Sorry, I just didn't want to tell him any Disney story and they're the only ones I know."

"I hope it ended well." I told her. "Did Sooji and Hyunjun live happily ever after?"

"That's for us to discover. Not all stories are finished." She said smiling.

"Let's not worry about the ending just yet, the development of the story is always the best part." I told her. "Let me prove to you that."

"How will you do that, though?" She said. "We can't see each other that much and the others are always around."

"You doubt me too much." I told her smirking. "I've got many tricks up my sleeve. Everything is already planned out. I just need you to be willing to break the rules a little."

"As if we weren't literally breaking the rules right now."

Fight for it? RESQ - Stray Kids Hyunjin FF (RESQ SAGA PART 2)Where stories live. Discover now