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"What should we do now?" Seungmin asked as he sat down on the couch in the lounge room. "Should we play a game? Watch a movie?"

"Let Lin decide, she's the new one in the group." Leah said.

"Sure, what do you want to do?" Woojin asked Lin.

"I don't know... Maybe we could play thruth or dare." She suggested. "That way I can get to know you more but in a fun way."

"Isn't that what middle-schoolers play to try to hook up with one another?" Changbin said laughing.

"And doesn't people also also stop sleeping with plushies when they are still in primary school?" Leah teased him.

"It can actually be pretty fun if properly played." Lin said. "A few months ago I played it with the Idol Producer boys and it was really fun."

"Wasn't it when you first kissed Fan Chengcheng?" I asked her.

The previous day, when I was hanging out with her alone, I had asked her to tell me things about herself to get to know her more and, at some point, her love life came up. I was really jealous of her. They just kissed once as a dare and started dating right after. I also couldn't believe how they fell in love with each other in such a short time. She had so much to teach me.

"Thanks for spilling the tea, Soojin!" Lin said sarcastically.

"Woah, you know that idiom?" Mika asked her. "You have never lived in Korea while I have been here for eight years yet you know it and I don't..."

"Anyways, we could also play seven minutes in heaven if you prefer." Lin suggested. 

"I like that one!" Minho said. "But how will we choose the pairs?"

"We can just spin a bottle." Mika said. "I really am too lazy to do the papers-in-the-hat thing."

After deciding to do that, I went to the kitchen to check if there were any bottles and brought one of them to the lounge room where they were all already sitting on the floor in a circle. I sat between Minho and Lin with Hyunjin right in front of me.

"I'm excited!" Chan said as I sat down. "Let's see who's the first pair."

After spinning the bottle twice, I.N and Jisung were the chosen ones.

"You can go to my room if you want to. I don't mind." I told them and they left after thanking me. "Now, what should we do in the meantime?"

"We could sing some karaoke or watch a movie." Felix suggested.

"Off to the living room we go! Tazza: the hidden card has been on my Netflix list for months now yet I never have time to watch it." Leah said. "Has anyone seen it?"

We all shook our heads, so we went to the living room and played the movie. As soon as we played it, though, Chan's watch beeped. He then stood up and warned the boys that their seven minutes had finished.

"Let's choose the next couple." Chan said and we sat down on the floor back again maintaning the previous order. 

"Lin and Woojin!" Mika announced once it was done. "Go to one of the dorms."

After they left, we decided to spin the bottle two more times to see the next pairs.

"The next ones are Changbin and Leah and then Hyunjin and Mika." Woojin announced. "Let's start watching the movie now."

Hyunjin sat on the corner of the couch and I sat on his left, squeezed between him and Jisung. It was indeed uncomfortable, but we didn't want anyone to sit on the floor so we stuck to that.

"Come here!" Said Hyunjin wrapping his left arm around my shoulders and pulling me close. "You seem uncomfortable."

"Thank you..." I said blushing but snuggled him anyways.

"It's nothing." He said.

I layed my head on his chest as we watched the movie. He then ran his fingers through my hair and, as I was a little tired, began falling asleep. Just before I could, though, Chan's watch beeped again, which startled me.

I was going to say something to Chan, but Hyunjin suddenly placed the arm that was around my shoulders around my waist and I was startled. Trying to ignore it, I stopped and pretended nothing had happened.

We stayed like that for the seven minutes of Changbin and Leah's encounter but it came to an end and it was time for Hyunjin to go with Mika. I then sat down properly and he left, but his seat was soon occupied by Changbin.

"Pillow?" I asked Changbin with a cute face.

"Oh, hell, no!" He said.

"Jisung, pillow?" I said adding a cute voice now.

"Okay..." He gave in and let me lay my head on his shoulder. 

Those seven minutes, contrarily to the others, went by painfully slow. I felt like Hyunjin and Mika had been there for years but when I checked the clock they had only been there for a couple of minutes.

Mika knew that I liked him and I didn't want her to tell him. I wasn't sure if Hyunjin really liked me or the day of our debut he was just playing around, but a part of me had this small hope. Still, I wanted to tell him when I was ready and interfering wasn't exactly what I wanted her to do.

Finally, Chan's watched beeped and I stood up before everyone else to tell them. They were all shocked as they thought I was sleeping.

"Time's up!" I said opening the door.

What I saw was something I din't want to ever see and it almost killed me. They were hugging each other tightly, with Hyunjin's arms wrapped around Mika's waist.

"You... I'll leave." I said closing the door immediately.

I then went to the kitchen and drank a glass of water, trying to calm down. I hoped and prayed what I saw was just a misunderstanding. Mika would never do that to Chan, right?

Fight for it? RESQ - Stray Kids Hyunjin FF (RESQ SAGA PART 2)Where stories live. Discover now