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"S-sorry?" Mika asked as we all stood there confused.

"Do you really think your previous music represents you as a group?" He asked us. "Obviously, you should be proud of it, but were you really attached to it or were they just songs?"

That made me really think about it. It was true that I was proud of some of the songs such as «Selfish» or «Yes I Am», but I really wasn't that keen on, for example, «Oh! My Mistake» or «Lil' Touch». They were great songs and I enjoyed performing them, don't get me wrong, but their lyrics didn't talk about anything in particular that I wanted to express. «Oh! My Mistake» was merely an inside joke.

JYP then stood up and approached all of us.

"You have my yes," he told us and all of the girls jumped up and down in happiness. "Can I talk to you now, Soojin?"

After nodding, I headed outside with JYP. I was still shocked by what he said and didn't know whether to cry, laugh, jump or scream. My head was running fast but my body seemed to be paralysed.

"Are you okay?" He asked me and I nodded. "Wait a second."

He then went towards a nearby water machine and gave me a glass of water, which I thanked. After that, we sat down on the couches in the lobby.

"I'm sorry, Soojin," JYP said shocking me. "I know I have put you through a lot of pressure since your debut and I am sincerely sorry for that. I just wanted you to fully unleash your potential; to find the kind of artist you wanted to be."

"But... why?" I managed to ask him with teary eyes. "For eight months I have been the internet's punching bag, I haven't slept for more than five hours, I have been extremely sick yet working my ass off with only the support of my teammates and the boys and, most of all, I've had to pretend to be at my best when I was at my worst. Was it all really necessary?"

Instead of answering, he sat down on the couch where I was and pulled me for a tight hug. I instantly cried onto his chest, letting all of my frustration out as he whispered: "I'm sorry".

"Now, I have news for you," he told me once I calmed down. "I was waiting for the right moment but I think you are finally ready. Soojin, could you now show me your solo songs?"

With evident shock shown on my face, I  nodded and we both went back inside the room where the rest were waiting. I still had a red face and puffy eyes from crying, so they all immediately asked me what was wrong and what had happened, but I told them it was all okay.

"Do you have them here?" JYP asked me as he sat back down and I nodded.

I always carried a notebook with my lyrics wherever I went, so I handed it to him before going to the laptop and searching for the songs.

"What's going on, Soojin?" Hyunjin asked me worriedly. "What happened out there?"

"I'll explain it to you later. Don't worry," I said and kissed his cheek.

"Which one will you show me?" JYP asked me. 

"Mmh... «Noir»," I answered after thinking about it. "It's the one I'm most proud of."

"Rap?" He asked.

"No. There's actually no rap in it," I told him. "It does have a dance, though."

"Which song is that, Soojin? What's going on?" Mika asked confused.

"You tell them or I do?" JYP said and I told him to do it. "She's finally going to be debuting solo."

They then all tackled me in a hug, which made me grin. I was happy I had such supportive friends beside me who were there for me through thick and thin.

"Guys, don't kill her!" JYP said giggling. "She still has to show me the songs to get the long-awaited final yes!"

"Sorry!" They all said bowing and moved aside to give me some space to dance.

"Now, where were we?" JYP wondered aloud. "Oh, yes, the song. Please, Soojin, proceed."

When the song finished, they all applauded and I bowed while blushing. I hadn't shown this song to anyone before, so this was almost like a big reveal.

"I feel like this song has a double meaning," Jisung pointed out.

"Yes, I feel the same," JYP agreed. "Is it that way?"

"Yes, it is," I told them. "If you only listened to the song it would feel like it is a breakup story of some sort, but it is actually about how I see the internet nowadays. It's almost like we are all trapped in it and we only care about likes and views instead of doing what we truly enjoy. We become so addicted to them that we even forget how we really are and only care about the numbers."

"Woah!" Leah let out without noticing. "Sorry!"

"This is the thing that I love about you, Soojin," JYP told me. "You can easily create really good songs with double meanings that work to appeal to everybody but also have a very deep message behind them. Do you now realise why I was putting you on hold? I wanted this to be the music you show to the public, not the same love song we have been hearing for decades. I know I am guilty of creating that type of music for myself, but I think you really fit this other style better."

"That then means it is another yes, right?" Mika asked him. "She will debut solo."

"If she creates this type of music for the whole album, she has my absolute yes," JYP said with a smile. "You can send me the rest of the songs whenever you think they are ready. If you need any help, feel free to call me. You now have my number."

"Thank you very much!" I said bowing ninety degrees. "You won't regret your decision."

"Don't worry. I know I won't."

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