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It was the 17th of July, four days after our comeback and a week before the Stray Kids' one, at three in the morning when I was abruptly shaken awake by Leah.

"Soojin, Lin, wake up!" She exclaimed rather loudly.

"What the hell, Leah? It's three in the morning!" I said rubbing my eyes and trying to adjust to the light.

"Did something happen or what?" Lin asked her.

"Guys, Oh! My Mistake is ranking second on the charts!" She said shoving her phone towards us.

"Not only on MCountdown but on Gaon too!" Mika exclaimed this time. "We are at the top of the digital charts!"

Immediately after they said that Lin and I stood up to check it. We were indeed at the top of the list which amazed us. We thought the song wasn't that great as in three days the views on YouTube weren't that high and people weren't really streaming it, but it somehow all changed in a matter of hours.

"How did this happen?!" I asked astonished as the rest jumped up and down from the excitement. "Yesterday the song was at the twentieth place or something like that."

"Guess who named the song on Idol Room?" Mika asked me.

"How would I know?" I asked her. "Just tell me!"

"Seventeen's Lee Jihoon!" Mika exclaimed. "Otherwise known as Woozi!"

I then wanted someone to pinch me awake. Sure, I already knew Mingyu and Seungkwan, but the fact that even Woozi, who I really admire as both a performer and a songwriter, heard it was too good to be true.

"You better show me that video this instant!" I ordered her and Leah quickly searched for it on her phone before showing me.


"Now that we have Seventeen in Idol Room, I have a small favour to ask," Said Deffcon. "You heard the signal song, but there's no choreographed dance. You saw us dancing, that's all we have."

"Jun, The8, Dino, Hoshi, you are all in the performance team, right?" Asked Doni. "Can you create a dance that we can follow?"

"I can make a dance that anyone can follow and have lots of fun with," Hoshi said confidently. "I just have to feel the music."

Having said that, the music began playing and he tried to come up with some moves. Everything went well until the part with lyrics began and the dance became almost identical to that of Pick Me from Produce 101 season 1.

"You're just copying other's dances," Doni said.

"We have four people in the performance team, the next person will do it," Hoshi said handing over to the next one.

The next one was The8 and he created a dance that was way too hard for Doni and Coni to follow, so it was immediately discarded.

"Next up we have Woozi," Said Doni. "Woozi is known for not dancing unless necessary. I think he can create something perfect for us."

The music once again began, and when the part with lyrics came, he did the first arm movements from the Oh! My Mistake dance, making Doni and Coni immediately stop him.

"What was that?" Said Coni.

"That's from Twice's TT," said Doni.

"No, it's from ResQ's Oh! My Mistake," said The8.

"Who?" Doni and Coni asked confused.

"The new JYP girl group," Seungcheol explained.

"Oh... the duet?" Coni asked.

"Yes, now they are four. That's the killing part of their dance," Seungkwan added.


After Seungkwan said that Leah paused the video.

"Since they aired this, we have rocketed up the charts!" Mika said.

We then began jumping up and down screaming from the excitement. I was really shocked that my song had reached the first song in the charts, even if it was with a little help from Seventeen.


At eleven in the morning, we all headed to the JYP building to continue rehearsing but also because Sooyeon had asked us to meet her.

We then headed to one of the meeting rooms where she was waiting for us.

"Hello, girls!" She said with a bright smile. "Take a seat."

We then all sat down around the table and saw that there were also a pile of extra papers in front of another chair.

"Are we expecting someone?" Lin asked.

"JYP said he wanted to talk to you," Sooyeon explained. "But anyway, congratulations on getting the first place in the charts!"

"Thank you!" We all said bowing.

Right after that, JYP came in, so we all bowed deeply.

"Take a seat, take a seat," he told us sitting on his chair. "Our new stars! I assume you already know what happened tonight."

"We do, sir," said Mika.

"Well, congratulations. The merit is all yours," he said smiling. "This mini album was a really good start for all of you."

"Thank you," Mika said.

"Now, to another topic," he said opening the files in front of him. "Idol Room contacted us this morning saying he wanted you to appear on the program. The thing is, Stray Kids will be making their comeback soon, so I thought about taking the opportunity to show this building and also promote both groups. It would be closest to their comeback, but I still think you could benefit from it too. Still, you will be appearing on Weekly Idol in a few days. What do you think?"

"That sounds... really good!" Mika said smiling. "I like the idea."

"I know she's your leader, but I want to know what you all think of this, truly," he said with a smile.

"I don't mind. We have a good relationship with the boys," said Leah.

"I agree," said Lin.

"Yes, sure. I have no problem with it," I agreed too.

"Then it's settled!" He said. "Until then, make sure to watch other people's programs if you haven't so you get an idea of what the program is about. Just act like you normally would while taking care of your image and you will be good. Also, you can't promote or advertise any other brands of groups."

"But, sir, the Seventeen boys promoted us the other day. I think it's only fair that we do the same," I told him.

"If you want to do it, do it as they did. During the random dance segment that they sometimes do, dance to one of their songs if you know any. I won't allow you to promote them directly," he said.

"Don't worry. No direct promotion."

Fight for it? RESQ - Stray Kids Hyunjin FF (RESQ SAGA PART 2)Where stories live. Discover now