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Once I we got back from the hospital, we headed straight to Stray Kids' dorm as we knew they were all hanging out there. I had been told at the doctor's that I had to stretch every now and then and take some pain killers, so I wasn't that worried.

"Hello, guys!" Hyunjin said as we stepped inside the dorm. "Did you miss us?"

"Not that way, you idiot! You will make me fall that way!" We heard Mika say. "Put your foot on the other one!"

"Stop yelling at me! You are the one who's on top of me!" Lin said back.

They were all playing twister on the living room floor. Jeongin was the one spinning the wheel and all but Lin, Mika, Leah, Chan and Felix had already been eliminated so they were standing on the side.

"Hello...?" Hyunjin said once again.

"Oh, hello, guys!" Said Leah. 

"I see you have been busy!" I said chuckling.

"What did the doctor tell you?" Mika asked me.

"I just have lower back pain. Nothing else," I answered. "I just need to rest and take some painkillers."

"While you were away, we received some news," Leah said changing her foot from one circle to another. "I'm going to be the next one releasing a solo album!"

"No way!" I exclaimed. "Congratulations!"

"By the way, Ryujin came to the dorm before looking for you," Mika said. "I don't know what for, though, but you should call her to check."

I then excused myself and went inside one of the boy's dorms to call her in case it was something important. Not even a few rings later she answered.

"Soojin?" She said when she picked up the phone.

"Mika told me you were looking for me. Did something happen?" I asked her.

"I have big news!" She said almost squealing. "I am going to debut next year!"

"No way!" I exclaimed shocked. "I'm so happy for you! Who are you debuting with?"

"I believe you already know Yeji, Chaeryeong, Yuna and Lia. I believe you know the first two," she answered.

"I know Yuna too but just from seeing her around," I told her. "We need to celebrate it!"

"Tell me place and time!" She said cheerfully.

"Tomorrow evening at our dorm. Bring the rest of the girls with you," I told her. "I'll confirm it to you later, though, as I have to ask for permission to the rest of the girls."

"Alright. See you tomorrow then!"

"See you!" I said before hanging up the phone.

I then went back to the living room and saw that they had already finished playing and were all either on the sofa or on the floor resting and chatting.

"What did she need?" Mika asked me.

"Apparently she's going to debut alongside Yeji, Chaeryeong, Yuna and Lia!" I told her. "I'm super happy for them."

"I can't believe we are going to be seniors!" Said Leah and we all looked at her. "What? It's true!"

"Anyways, I was thinking of throwing a small party for them tomorrow to celebrate it as I'm friends with Ryujin, Yeji and Chaeryeong. Can I?" I asked the girls.

"As long as it doesn't get out of hand, I don't see why not," she told me. "But remember you need to rest, so don't start dancing like nobody's watching tomorrow."

"Yes, mom!" I said rolling my eyes.

Everyone had gone to their respective rooms or dorms to sleep except for Hyunjin and me, who were still on the Stray Kids' dorm living room hanging out. I was straddling him on the sofa with my head on the crook of his neck as we talked about nothing in particular. I found his smell intoxicating, so I didn't want to move an inch. I was really comfortable too, so I was sure I would fall asleep any second.

"I'm really sorry, Soojin," he said as he rubbed circles on my back.

"Why?" I asked him.

"For hurting you. I know you've told me it was okay, but it really isn't. Due to a stupid thing you are now hurt and I can't help but blame me," he said before kissing the top of my head. "I hate that I'm the reason you are hurt."

"Hyunjin, you couldn't hurt me even if you tried," I said chuckling. "I love you."

He then grabbed both sides of my face and pulled me in for a kiss. It wasn't heated nor quick, but rather a romantic slow one. Our alone time had been scarce for weeks, so even things like this felt like heaven.

"Don't do it ever again, okay? Wake me up, kick me awake if needed, but don't do things like this ever again," he said after we pulled away.

"Okay," I simply answered before laying back down and cuddling him. "Can I talk to you about something?"

"Of course! What happens?" He asked me.

"I'm being left as the last solo debut for a reason, Hyunjin," I said and he looked at me confused. "The day I showed JYP our songs, he talked to me about the solo debuts. He said he wanted to debut Leah first as she was loved by the public but told me to keep it secret, that's why I didn't say a thing."

"You feel bad about not telling her?" He asked me.

"No, it's not that. It's just... JYP said he doesn't trust me yet for a solo debut. According to him, I don't have a style that would be easy to sell and I am not good enough to go solo. Basically, I am the black hole of the group in his eyes," I told him."He said I'm good for group promotions but not so much for solo ones. I won't catch the eyes of the public on my own."

"What kind of BS is that?!" Hyunjin exclaimed. "You are the main rapper and the main dancer, you can sing... What else does he need? You may not be the visual of the group, but you aren't ugly at all. My opinion may be biased, okay, but I'm not lying."

"Then what should I do to make him see I can do it?"

"Work on some songs and force them to hear them. If he sees for himself what you are capable of, he won't be able to say no."

Fight for it? RESQ - Stray Kids Hyunjin FF (RESQ SAGA PART 2)Where stories live. Discover now