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"Soojin!" Mika exclaimed as we ran around the beach.

I had just drowned her while she was distracted and she was furious. I still found it really funny and laughed while still running away from her.

As I turned around to check if she was close, I bumped into Mingyu.

"Sorry, I wasn't looking!" I quickly said before continuing running.

"Mingyu, catch her!" Mika told him but he looked at her confused. "She just drowned me, get her!"

Without needing to be told twice, Mingyu grabbed me and pulled me over his shoulder.

"Hey! Stop it!" I yelled as I hit his back. "Since when are you and Mika allies?! You are a traitor! We were snack buddies! You can't do this to m-!"

Before I could finish my sentence, I was drowned. I quickly went back to the surface and saw both Mingyu and Mika laughing hysterically.

"Ha, ha, ha! Really funny!" I said sarcastically. "You two can go happily now."

"Oh, is little Soojin mad?" Mika said squeezing my cheeks and I stood up properly, immediately towering over her and making her back away slightly.

"Thought so." I simply said and walked outside the water to lay down on the towel.

It was already starting to get dark, so I wanted to dry off a little bit before going home.

"We're leaving now. Are you coming?" Johnny asked me as he dried his hair with a towel. "It's literally minutes from here, so we can just walk there."

"I want to stay a little bit more." I told him. "Thank you, though."

"No problem. See you later, then?"

"Of course!" I said smiling and he left.

I then saw all of them leaving and thought that I was alone until I felt someone suddenly behind me.

"Why is a lady like you alone at the beach in such a beautiful evening?" Hyunjin then said.

"Maybe I was waiting for a gentleman of your caliber to come." I said and moved to the side so he could sit down next to me. "Why didn't you leave with them?"

"I saw you here alone and decided to keep you company and check if everything is okay." He said and sat down.

"Everything is fine,don't worry." I reasurred him. "I just wanted to relax and dry off a little before leaving. This view brings me back childhood memories."

"I hope they are good ones." Hyunjin said.

"Half and half." I admitted. "My life before becoming a trainee wasn't exactly all fairies and roses."

"Why did you never tell me about this?" He asked honestly concerned.

"I guess I never felt the need to do so." I reasoned and layed my head on his shoulder as I started at the sunset. "After all, the past is the past. There's no point in dwelling over it. What happen is what has me here now, so I'm glad it all happened, even if it pained me then."

"No matter what you know you can always count on me, right?" He said running his fingers through my hair.

"I know." I said grabbing his hand. "I really now."

We then stared at the sunset for a few minutes and suddenly heard some footsteps behind us. Looking to see who it was, we saw two women from the staff.

"We came to finish taking all the cameras." She said pointing to the ones that were at our left but seemed to be off. "Don't mind us."

After nodding, we simply continued chatting and admiring the view for around twenty minutes until my back began hurting and I laid down.

Hyunjin then looked at me laughing before eventually joining me, which led to me cuddling him.

"You do realize everyone can see us right now, do you?" He said.

"Not really. The people walking can't really see us because this spot is actually quite dark and practically no one walks along the beach here."I explained."At least they didn't while I lived here."

"Does that mean I can do this and nothing happens?" He said and pecked my lips.

"Nothing at all." I said smiling.

"And what about this?" He said again but kissed my neck instead, making me gasp in shock.

"Don't do that!" I told him.

"Why not?" He asked me and then saw my red face. "Oh, I see!"

He then grabbed both sides of my face and pulled me even closer, kissing me passionately.



Chan and I were walking along the beach when we decided to stop at the spot where we were earlier.

"The view is really beautiful." I said and felt him wrap one of his arms around my waist. "By the way, where are Hyunjin and Soojin?"

"You are always worrying about her. Could you please try to just enjoy the view? They are old enough." Chan said kissing my cheek.

"It's just... Soojin once told me she hsd some bsd memories of Jeju and she always used to go to the beach to relax. I'm afraid of those memories haunting her." I explained.

"I'm sure it won't. She has a good distraction." Chan said and made me look down towards the beach.

Even if it was dark you could see two distinct figures down there which we could recognise as Hyunjin and Soojin.

"Oh my god, they are kissing!" I began squealing but Chan quickly covered my mouth with his hand and pulled me away from the railway so they couldn't see us.

"Don't intervene!" He told me. "I feel like they should be the ones telling us. Let's pretend we've never seen them."

"But-!" I wanted to protest but he looked at me sternly. "Come on, these are big news! They finally got together!"

"I know but trust me, this is the best option."

Fight for it? RESQ - Stray Kids Hyunjin FF (RESQ SAGA PART 2)Where stories live. Discover now