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When we finished recording two of the songs, it was time to go to the dance studio to rehearse.

Just when we were about to go inside the one that was written in our schedules, the door opened and the other female trainees exited it. When Leah saw us, though, she abruptly stopped and stood in the side with us.

"How was your morning?" She asked us shyly.

"It was... good, I guess." I said uncomfortable and Mika nodded reassurringly.

"Look, I just wanted to say I'm sorry." Leah suddenly said which startled us. "I shouldn't have reacted so badly to the news. On the contrary, I should have been happy for you."

"It's okay; we understood why you reacted that way." Mika told her.

"It's just that I shouldn't have reacted that way when I have only been training for almost two years and you both have been training for five and seven. I have no right to react this way." She said tearing up.

"Come here, it's okay!" Mika said and embraced her in a hug.

After she released her, I hugged her and we made up. We were so close that I knew that a simple fight like this wouldn't keep us apart for long.

"I have bad news, though." She told us.

"What happened?" I asked her scared.

"JYP told me to live with the other girls until further notice." She said and sighed.

"Why? I'll talk to him, he can't do that!" I said angry.

"Soojin, he can, he is the boss." Mika said and I sighed. "I guess he wants you to live with trainees, am I wrong?"

"You are completely right." Leah told her. "I'll visit you often nonetheless. You can't get rid of me that easily."

After exchanging a few more words, she left to her next class and we went inside the room to practice the choreographies. When we opened the door, we saw people already in there.

"Sorry, we thought this wasn't occupied already!" Said Mika and started closing the door.

"No, wait!" One of the boys said. "Are you Lee Soojin and Nishikino Mika?"

"The ones." I said. 

"Oh, we are your back up dancers." He said. "They told us to come here so that you could show us the dances."

"Oh, really?" I asked shocked. "No one told us anything."

"We were told just a few hours ago, so don't worry." One of the girls said with a smile.

We then got to work and began showing them the dance to <Selfish>. They also helped us adjust the parts which we weren't really sure about. In the end, we ended up with an amazing dance that wasn't exactly difficult, but looked good nonetheless.

"Why don't we record the dance practice now that we are at it?" One of the boys, who we found out was called Hyunwoo, said.

"Fine by me!" I said.

"Sure!" Mika agreed. "But let us change first."

We quickly went to the bathroom to change our clothes so that we were slightly matching. (Media. Mika and Soojin in that order)

We then began recording it and had it done in two tries. The first one didn't work because my shoelace was untied and I nearly fell during one of the steps.

(Just imagine this for two)

"That was amazing!" I said and high fived Mika and the dancers. "I never thought I would record a dance practice."

"You are both really good dancers." One of the girls, Seoyeon, said. "Epecially you, Soojin. I'm not trying to offend you, Mika."

"No, don't worry. You didn't offend me." Mika said chuckling. "Soojin's the main dancer and choreographer for a reason."

"You are both really good." Yoona, the other girl, said. "I see why you are debuting. This song is really good too! If all your songs are like this, you will go really far."


Back at the dorm, we sat down on the couch exhausted. I turned the TV on to watch Stray Kids debuting on MC Countdown. We wanted to be there to cheer for them, but we had to prepare for our own debut, so we weren't able to go.

"Chan looks so good!" Mika squealed. "He's living this stage!"

"You, lovebird, chill!" I told her laughing.

I continued watching it carefully, trying to ignore Mika's squealing. They had all practiced really hard for that stage and ir really paid off.

Hyunjin looked extremely handsome for some reason and I couldn't help but drift my gaze towards him all of the time.

"Have you seen that! Oh my god!" Mika said during Chan's part but I completely ignored her, too engrossed on the performance.

"Mika, please! I'm trying to watch them, you know?" I said a little bit angry as she didn't let me pay attention.

"Oh, come on! You are only watching Hyunjin, I'm not an idiot!" She told me. "You can squeal too if you want to."

"He's just my friend. I don't like him." I reasoned. "You, on the other hand, are head over heels for Chan. Please, let me watch my friends' stage, thanks."

We then continued watching the performance as silently as we could. That was until the bridge only, though.

"My god, Felix's voice!" I exclaimed. "And Chan's scream!"

"So now you agree!" Mika said laughing. "Wait, Hyunjin leading the dance!"

I then focused on the screen and his gaze was really captivating.

"Hyunjin, you are too young for this!" Mika said to the screen and I rolled from laughter.

Their hard work had definitely paid off.

Fight for it? RESQ - Stray Kids Hyunjin FF (RESQ SAGA PART 2)Where stories live. Discover now