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The first day of the program finally arrived and Mika and I were waiting in front of the JYPe building for the boys and the van.

"Are you excited?" Mika asked me. "You get to be close with Hyunjin for a few days."

Hyunjin and I had decided to not tell anyone we were dating just yet as we wanted to take things slowly. It was a really sudden change in our relationship and we were still figuring out some things. Hiding it wasn't that difficult taking into account how close I already was with him and the fact that we had been busy with our own schedules.

"I think the one who's most excited isn't me." I teased her. "Or are you going to deny it?"

"Why would I deny it? I am really excited to live with him." She said. "I hope we don't have cameras watching us all of the time, though."

"I hope so too!" Said Chan as he and Hyunjin arrived. "I want to be able to have some alone time too. Not everything has to be broadcast, you know?" 

"Careful. People may see you." Hyunjin told Chan and he immediately took a small step away from Mika. "Who are we going with, by the way?"

"With Sooyeon," I told him. "She told us she'll be here in around two or three minutes."

Just as I said, she arrived exactly two minutes later and told us to get inside the van while she placed our suitcases on the trunk. There was a row of two and another of three, so Chan and Mika sat at the front and Hyunjin and I behind them in the row of three.

"How are you, guys?" Sooyeon asked us as she went inside. "Are you ready?"

"We're ready!" We said at the same time. 

"I'm glad to hear that. But remember to behave properly." She said and we all nodded. "We have a long trip until we arrive there. Over two hours. Feel free to sleep if you want to." 

"Thank you," Mika said. "Can we play some music?"

"Sure!" Sooyeon said. "Plug your phones in if you want to."

Mika then took the cable and plugged her phone. Chan and her played the songs they liked and sang along while joking around. I, on the other hand, was feeling a little tired, so I tried to sleep.

"Your neck will hurt if you sleep like that." Hyunjin told me as I had my head hanging on the side.

"I really cannot find any other comfortable position," I said. 

"Come here." He said patting the empty seat between us. "Use my shoulder as a pillow."

"You don't mind?" I asked him.

"Why would I? It's not the first time you've done it either." He said smiling. 

I finally gave in and sat on the middle seat before putting the seatbelt back on and laying my head on his shoulder. It was indeed really comfortable, so I hugged his arm and cuddled him sightly.

"Look at you!" He said chuckling. "You're like a koala!" 

"Any problem with that?" I said pouting.

"None at all!" He said and touched my lips. "Now, go to sleep. I'll wake you up if we get there before you are awake."

"Thank you," I said and quickly kissed his shoulder before trying to fall asleep. Eventually managing to do so after around ten minutes.



"Sooyeon, do you mind stopping for a second?" Mika asked. "I really have to go to the toilet."

"Yes, sure. Do you all want to go?" She asked.

"I don't," I said. "And I'm guessing Soojin neither does."

"We shouldn't wake her up," Mika said. "She stayed awake last night until around five in the morning working on a song."

"Really? Is it good?" Sooyeon asked her.

"I only heard her humming as she was with her headphones on, but what I heard was pretty good." She answered. "I think we maybe could use it for the group sometime."

After a few minutes, Sooyeon finally found a rest stop and they all went to the bathroom leaving me alone with Soojin. Just when they closed the doors, Soojin jolted awake.

"Are we there already?" She said sitting down and fixing her hair. "Where are they?"

"They stopped to go to the toilet. You can go too if you want to." I told her and fixed one of the strands of her hair that was on her face. 

"No, I don't need to." She said and stretched. "Was I out for long?"

"Just about an hour." I told her. "Why, are you still tired?"

"No, not really. Just wondering." She said. "You are quite a good pillow, by the way."

"I'm just your pillow?! I'm hurt!" I said playfully.

"Oh, come on!" She said. "You know I didn't mean it that way!"

"Give me a kiss and I'll forgive you!" I said playing around.

"If you think that was a sly move, you are completely wrong." She told me with a grin. 

"You know I don't need to do that to get what I want," I said and pecked her lips before she could protest.

"Hey!" She said and hit my arm making me laugh.

Instead of saying anything, I grabbed both sides of her face and pulled her for a longer kiss but not even three seconds later, we felt the van door open and quickly pulled away.

"Oh, Soojin, you're awake!" Chan said as he hopped inside. "Did you have to go to the bathroom too or...?"

"No, don't worry." She said while blushing a little.

"Okay, there's still a while left but not much," Sooyeon said. "I would recommend you don't fall asleep again so that you are refreshed when we get there. You don't want to look like a zombie when we get there, do you?"

"Let's be honest here, when do I not look like a zombie?" She said which made us all laugh.

"A cute zombie, though," I whispered in her ear and her cheeks reddened even more if that was possible.

Fight for it? RESQ - Stray Kids Hyunjin FF (RESQ SAGA PART 2)Where stories live. Discover now