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After promotions were over, we had about two days before Mamamoo would come over to JYP so we could prepare for our stage in the MAMAs. We also still were in contact with Seventeen to discuss any problems or to do check-ups, so we were pretty busy.

"Sexier, Soojin!" Mika told me over the music as we rehearsed <Troublemaker> with the boys. "Hyunjin, don't laugh!"

"Sorry, this is just too funny!" He said trying to stop his laughter.

"Lin, please, stop the music," Chan asked her as the ones dancing to <Now> were there with us. "This may be a rehearsal, but you need to take this seriously."

"We are taking this seriously, Chan. It has been a month if not more since we began rehearsing this," Hyunjin explained. "And we also knew the dance already."

"Still, you need to take this seriously," he said. "We are all tired from our promotions but work is work, guys."

"Sorry," Hyunjin and I said bowing jokingly. "We will work hard."

"Don't make me hit you and start working!" He said raising his hand.

We then went back to work and Hyunjin and I immediately turned serious. I also applied what Mika had told me and acted more sexily, which translated in Hyunjin doing the same as well.

"They had a point when they said they already knew it," Changbin joked high-fiving us. "They crushed you both!"

"Hyunjin, Soojin, do you want to die?!" Mika exclaimed. "Couldn't you have done this an hour ago?!"

"Breathe in, breathe out, Mika," Hyunjin told her wrapping an arm around her shoulders. "Breathe in, breathe out."


That afternoon, to celebrate our last moments of freedom, Chan, Mika, Hyunjin and I decided to go on a double date to a bowling alley. It was full of adults who had just finished working, so they didn't really mind us at all.

"Boys versus girls?" Mika suggested.

"I'm in!" I said high-fiving her.

"The losing team buys snacks," Chan added. "Also, they have to be from the bowling alley. You can't go out to buy cheaper ones."

"Okay, fine!" Mika and I gave in.

"Soojin, you do realise you are really bad at bowling, right?" Hyunjin told me. "This is basically suicide."

"But she won-" Mika tried to say but I stopped her. 

"That was two years ago. I hope I improved since then," I told him.

Although it had been a long time since I had visited a bowling alley with any of the boys, the girls and I visited one at least once every two or three months because we all really liked it, so I had improved considerably. Also, Mika was one of the best if not the best player among us, so we had a very high chance of winning.

When the game began, Chan was the first one to go. On his first try, he knocked six of the ten pins and on the second one, three of the remaining ones.

"Try to top that, babygirl," Chan told Mika with a smirk.

I could see the determination on Mika's eyes after he said that, which translated onto her scoring a strike on her first try.

"Try to top that, babyboy," Mika said back with a sassy smirk.

It then was Hyunjin's turn and he turned to say something to me, but I stopped him before he had the chance to.

"Give me a pet name and I will slice your throat," I told him.

"Yes... yes..." He said scratching his neck, turning around and throwing the ball, making Chan and Mika laugh.

He scored a strike too, which made them lead the game and put pressure on my shoulders.

"Come on, Soojin, you can do it!" Chan joked. "Just don't get it in the gutter and you'll be fine."

"Thank you, Chan," I said with a fake smile.

I then picked up the ball and focused on where I wanted to throw it before taking the two steps and letting the ball roll with a swift moment.

"Four pins!" Hyunjin said. "Not bad!"

Sighing, I picked up another ball for the second try and repeated the process, only this time I knocked all the remaining pins, therefore scoring a spare.

"A spare!" I said mocking Hyunjin's tone. "Not bad! Right, hot lips?"

"Hey! Weren't you the one telling me no nicknames a few minutes ago?" He protested but I just kissed his cheek.

"Since when do you play so well, Soojin?" Chan asked puzzled.

"She's our queen of spares!" Mika told him. "Whenever we play together she almost always scores spares!"

"I guess my bowling isn't that bad anymore, right?" I said sassily.

"Chan, we are fucked."


"This hotdog is so delicious!" I said as I ate it. "Thanks for buying it for me, Hyunjin!"

We had already left the bowling alley and were walking home altogether, although Mika and Chan were a few steps in front of us talking about who-knows-what.

"Let me at least have a bite of it," he said and I let him do so. "How did Mika even get pretty much all strikes?!"

"I already told you we play very often," I told him. "And she's particularly proficient."

"She's basically like a professional player. If you go to the ISACs and compete in bowling, she will crush everyone."

"Are you her fanboy now?" I joked. 

"Don't be an idiot!" He said before we fell into a comfortable silence for a few minutes. "So, your birthday is tomorrow."

"It is, yes," I said. "Finally eighteen."

"What do you want to do?" He asked me. "I have already booked a restaurant for both of us to have dinner in, so that's already settled, but do you want to do anything else?"

"Wait a second," I told him.


"Mika, Chan! Can you please lend us the house tomorrow evening?" I yelled startling Hyunjin.

Instead of answering, though, they simply raised their hands and did a thumbs up sign, which was sufficient for me.

"Movie night at home?" I told him.

"I was rather looking foward for a Netflix-and-Chill," he said smirking.

"You pervert!"

Fight for it? RESQ - Stray Kids Hyunjin FF (RESQ SAGA PART 2)Where stories live. Discover now