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The day of the MV recording finally arrived and we quickly got ready to go to the set.

"Mika, where did you put the portable phone charger?" I asked her as I searched around the house. "I can't find it."

"I left it charging on the kitchen!" She said from her room. "And have you seen my bracelet? The one Chan gave me."

"It's on the living room, next to the lamp." I said as I took the charger and went back to my room to put it in my bag.

Finally we were done and went to the set. When we arrived there, a woman around thirty years old stopped us.

"You must be Nishikino Mika and Lee Soojin." She said. "I'm Kim Sooyeon, your manager. Nice to meet you."

"Nice to meet you too." We said and bowed.

"Sorry for coming so late, but your plans for debut were really unexpected and sudden so we were all unprepared. I hope you understand."

"We do, don't worry." Mika reassured her. "Normally groups start preparing to debut for around three or four months while we only have a month. It's normal for things to be a little hectic."

"I see the rumors live up to the facts. You really are a mature young woman." Sooyeon praised Mika. "You were born in 1997, am I correct? Sorry, I'm still trying to remember everything JYP told me about you."

"Don't worry, you were correct." Mika told her. "And Soojin's from 2000."

"You must be the rapper, dancer and songwriter Soojin, am I right?" She said with a smile.

"The one. I may not be as mature as Mika, but I surely know how to get things done!" I said smiling.

"Oh, and a joker too, I see!" Sooyeon said and we laughed. "I'm glad to work with both of you. Let's get you to the top of the charts!"


"And... cut!" The director said after the final scene. "We are done. Good job, everybody!"

Mika and I then thanked all of the staff before going to change back to our own clothes. Sooyeon then approached us with water bottles.

"Good job, girls! It was all amazing. This will be a really strong debut, I know it." Sooyeon said. "I will now take you to your dorm. I'll then go to the JYPe building to pick up something, but I will go back there so that we can discuss some things."

"Sounds good!" Mika said.

We left with Sooyeon in JYP's van. Mika and I exited the van and went up to our dorm. When we opened the door, though, we were met with an unexpected sight.

"Congratulations on your first MV recording!" The boys plus Leah said cheering.

They had hung up on the walls some decorations and bought a cake with the name of the songs on it.

"What are you doing here?" Mika asked. "You should be rehearsing."

"Well, we have to celebrate this, right?" Changbin said. "You celebrated ours too."

"Plus, there is no better excuse to skip rehearsals!" I.N said making us laugh.

"Thank you, really." I told Leah, who was closest to me." We really appreciate it."

"It was nothing, dummy." She told me. "You know we all love you both very much. It was the least we could do."

As we chatted with them, there was a knock on the door and I opened it. There was Sooyeon with a bunch of papers in her hands as well as a tablet.

"Sorry for making you wait." She said coming in without looking up from her papers. "The papers were thankfully already printed for me, so I was able to come quicker."

She then looked up and saw everyone there. She was shocked, to say the least.

"Who is she?" Jisung asked.

"She's our manager, Kim Sooyeon." I told him.

"Oh, nice to meet you ma'am." He said and the boys and Leah bowed.

"Why are you here?" Sooyeon asked them.

"We were celebrating their first MV recording." Chan explained.

"Are you friends?" She questioned and they nodded. "Do you realize you aren't allowed to go into each other's dorms, do you?"

"But we have been doing this for over two years and no one has said anything." Minho said.

"What?!" Sooyeon asked shocked. "Does your manager know about this?"

"I don't know." Woojin said. "I guess he does. We spend most of our time here or they come to our dorm, anyways."

"He's also seen us with each other many times and said nothing." Felix added.

"Please, tell him to come here." Seoyeon said sighing. "My first day and we already have problems."

"What problems?" I asked her confused. "Nothing has happened."

"Even if you are from the same company, you shouldn't hang out at each other's dorms. Rumors could arise and they are extremely harmful for both your careers and the company." She explained. "You should think things through next time. I thought you were more intelligent."

Ten minutes later, their manager arrived and Sooyeon took him to the side to discuss everything. We were all scared about what would happen.

"Do you think they will report this to JYP?" Jeongin asked.

"I hope they don't." Leah said. "They could just scold us. I don't think it's really that important."

"Let's hope for the best..."

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