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Hyunjin, the boys and I were all in the zoo. We had decided to leave the carriage on the staff car and I just carried Jaebeom on my arms as we walked around. He was still fast asleep, but I didn't want to wake him up.

Suddenly, I heard a click sound and saw Hyunjin taking a picture of me.

Suddenly, I heard a click sound and saw Hyunjin taking a picture of me

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"Hey, stop it!" I told him.

"Why, though?" He said. "You look cute."

"First of all, I'm really ugly and second of all, let's go to the aquarium, I really want to go there." I said and we went there.

"Sorry, ma'am. Your child just dropped this." A woman said handing me Jaebeom's toy.

"Oh, thank you very much!" I said slightly bowing.

"It was nothing." She said. "You make a really good young couple."

"We're not-" I began saying but Hyunjin cut me off.

"Thank you ma'am." He said bowing and she left.

"Why did you tell her that?!" I said hitting his arm.

"It was easier to just agree instead of trying to explain." He said cheekily smiling and high fived Jaehyun.

"What an idiot..." I muttered.


"I'm hungry!" Jaehyun said as lunch time approached.

"Let's find somewhere to eat, okay?" I told him.

Jaebeom had woken un an hour before that and Hyunjin was with him now and I was with Jaehyun.

"I want a burger!" He said.

"Okay, we'll get you a burger, don't worry." I told him.

"Hyunjin!" I yelled to him as he was a few steps ahead of us. "Let's go to eat, Jaehyun's hungry."

"Okay!" He said and we all made our way to the nearest McDonald's.

Once we had ordered everything we sat down and began eating. As Jaebeom was still too young to eat a burger, I took one of the baby food jars that were on the bag and began feeding him. He luckily was a good eater, so I didn't have trouble feeding him.

Once he finished eating I picked him up and pat his back for him to burp.

"You haven't eaten yet, Soojin." Hyunjin said. "Let me do it and eat."

Fight for it? RESQ - Stray Kids Hyunjin FF (RESQ SAGA PART 2)Where stories live. Discover now