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The 24th of December came and we were all very excited for Christmas even though we were still working. Soojin had amazingly received a first win with her solo dong just the day before, so the mood was amazing. It was like Christmas came early for us.

"You are going out with Changbin later, right?" Mika asked me.

"Yes, we are leaving at about half-past four more or less," I told her. "At what time are you leaving, Soojin?"

"I don't know. About... six-ish?" she answered.

"You are leaving us alone!" Lin said pretending to cry and hugged Mika. "You won't leave me, right?"

"Don't worry, I won't." She said hugging her back. 

I then went to my room to change my clothes and do my makeup as it was around half past three. Soojin had followed me to help me choose what to wear.

"I'm guessing you don't want to look too fancy," she said looking through my clothes. 

"Yes, but also don't make me look like I'm going to the gym," I told her.

In the end, she chose blue jeans, a white blouse and a black blazer; and paired it with mustard-coloured heels and handbag. It was really beautiful although I must admit it was more formal than I asked for.

When I was done changing, it was already about four so I quickly put everything inside the bag and went to the bathroom. I then could hear the sound of the doorbell and someone opening the door.

"Leah! Changbin is here!" Mika yelled.

"Just a second!" I said and finished getting ready before going to the living room.

I was thankful Soojin had chosen those clothes as Changbin was wearing rather formal clothes, so that way we wouldn't look funny.

"We will be going now," Changbin told the girls. 

"Have fun!" They all said and we left.

Changbin had called a cab a while before, so it was already waiting for us by the time we got out of the building. We hopped inside and headed to the shopping centre where the cinema was and chatted about whatever meanwhile.

"You look beautiful, Leah," he told me. "I don't know if I will be able to suppress my feelings."

For a second I thought he was being serious and was about to tell him to not misunderstand it, but he burst out laughing.

"Your face!" He said between laughs and I hit him. "I was joking, Leah! But you indeed do look beautiful. That much was true."


After the movie was over, we went to a nearby restaurant. I was sure we would be caught together, so I made him wear a disguise.

As we ate, suddenly my song «U&I» played through the speakers, making me smile. They were also playing the music video on the TV.

"You are resisting the urge to sing, aren't you?" Changbin asked me.

"You have no flipping idea!" I confessed and we both chuckled.

"They are Leah and Changbin!" A group of teenage girls who were inside the restaurant said.

I covered my face and laughed before waving towards them while Changbin immediately did the latter.

"You are on a date?!" One of them exclaimed.

"No, please, no!" I quickly said. "We were just hanging out together."

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