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(Soojin's Pijama, Mika's)

When we arrived at the dorm, we still had to eat dinner, so I offered myself to prepare it. I ended up preparing kimbap and Tteokbokki for all of us. That meant I used plenty of bags of each.

As I was preparing it, Minho came in.

"May I help you with something?" He asked me.

"Could you please keep an eye on the Tteokbokki while I roll the kimbap?" I said.

"I'm on it." He said and did it.

When both things were done, we put them in plates and took them to the table.

"Guys, dinner's done!" Minho said and everyone gathered around the table.

Felix sat on my left and Hyunjin on my right on the sofa as there wasn't enough space for all of us around the table.

"Where are you going to sleep?" Jeongin asked Mika and I as we ate.

"I don't mind where as long as it is a low bunk." I said.

"Any reason why?" Woojin asked.

"I wake up a lot during the night and tend to go to drink water or go to the bathroom. If I am in a top bunk, it's easier for me to wake everyone up." I explained.

"Oh, I see. There are no low bunks free, though." He informed me.

"Don't worry, you can take mine." Hyunjin offered. "I can sleep in the one above, I don't mind."

"Thank you!" I said and hugged his left arm.

"You, Mika?" Seungmin asked. "With Chan, right?"

"Why do you always assume that?" Mika asked them.

"If she wants to, she can." Chan said nonchalantly and Mika visibly reddened.


I woke up in the middle of the night, as always, and went to the kitchen to drink some water. The bed made a slight creak sound, though, and I panicked about having woken up someone. Seeing no one was awake, I finally made it to the kitchen and picked up a bottle from the fridge.

When I turned around, I almost screamed as I saw someone there, but he covered my mouth preventing me from doing so.

"It's just me, dummy." Hyunjin said and I relaxed.

"You scared me!" I said hitting his arm. "Why are you awake?"

"You woke me up." He said. "Don't worry, it doesn't matter. The upper bunk isn't really comfortable, so I wanted to take a walk too."

After I had finished drinking water, he took my bottle and finished it before filling it back again and putting it back in the fridge.

"Do you want to go back to your bed?" I asked him. "I really don't mind."

"No, it's okay. You can sleep there." He said. 

We then went back to the room and went back to sleep, but even fourty minutes later I could still hear him tossing and turning.

I then stood up and went to check on him. He was facing the wall, so I poked his cheek for him to look at me.

"Get down here." I whispered to him.

"No, it's okay. I can-" He tried to protest but I cut him off.

"Get down here, Hyunjin." I said again and he finally gave in and went down the ladder careful not to wake the others up. "Go to sleep, I'll go up."

"Wait!" He said a little too loud and we prayed the others didn't hear it. Changbin's snore signaled us we were safe. "Sleep here with me."

"Why?" I asked him.

"I am sleeping here because the top one is uncomfortable, I don't want you to be the one uncomfortable now." He said.

"But Jinnie..." I said trying to come up with an excuse but eventually found none. "I guess it's okay. We are friends after all, right?"

"Yes, friends..." He said.

I got inside the bed next to him. I was in between him and the wall because he wanted to make sure I wouldn't fall if he moved around. He then suddenly wrapped an arm around my waist and went closer to me.

"Sorry, I was falling off the bed." He said and went to remove his arm but I stopped him.

"It's okay. You can leave it there. I don't mind." I said and quickly fell into a deep sleep.


"They are sleeping together."

"Oh, gosh, they are spooning!"

Hearing those voices, I opened my eyes but was blinded by the sudden light. After a few seconds, I finally managed to open them and checked who it was.

I saw all the boys and Mika there taking pictures and making random comments. Looking down, I saw Hyunjin still fast asleep with his head in the crook of my neck and an arm wrapped around me.

"She's awake!" Felix said and they all put their phones down pretending nothing happened. "Good morning, Soojin!"

"I'm not an idiot; I know you were taking pictures." I told them.

"I wasn't, they were!" Mika quickly exclaimed and I shushed her.

"Hyunjin is still asleep. Don't wake him up!" I told them. "He didn't have a good night."

"Is that why you two are sleeping together?" Jisung asked and got a slap in the back of the head from Chan. "Okay, we'll leave you alone..."

After that, they all left the room leaving me alone with a sleeping Hyunjin.

I turned by body to face him and he wrapped his arm around me even tighter while still asleep. Seeing him so close to me made me realize how handsome he was. I obviously knew that from before, he was the visual for a reason, but seeing him pouty while sleeping showed a different kind of handsomeness.

He then moved around and I panicked. Not knowing what to do, I faked being asleep and closed my eyes. I suddenly felt him put my hair behind my ear and caress my face. It took all my strength and might to not blush right then and there, but I somehow managed.

A few seconds later, I pretended to wake up and stretched.

"Good morning, Jinnie." I said with a smile.

"Morning, Soojin." He said smiling back at me.

Fight for it? RESQ - Stray Kids Hyunjin FF (RESQ SAGA PART 2)Where stories live. Discover now