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I woke up to the sound of the doorbell ringing but still didn't open my eyes. I felt JB stand up to get it, so I didn't have to worry about it. When I fell asleep, Jinyoung had wrapped an arm around me and made me rest on his chest instead of his shoulder, so I was really warm and cosy. I really didn't want to move even though I was slightly flustered.

"Oh, JB, I didn't know you were here!" I heard Hyunjin say from the door shyly. 

"Long time no see, Hyunjin." Jinyoung quietly said to not wake me up as he thought I was still asleep.

"He...hello, Jinyoung." He stuttered.

I wanted to laugh really badly, but I wanted to see how Hyunjin interacted with them as I knew both of them (but specially Jinyoung) were his role models.

"How is she?" Hyunjin asked them.

"She's better now." Said Jinyoung feeling my forehead. "Her fever isn't as bad and she has been sleeping for over an hour now."

"Thank you for taking care of her." 

"It was nothing," JB said. "I don't know if she has ever told you, but we are actually close thanks to Jinyoung."

"Yes, she told me he helped her a lot when she first became a trainee," Hyunjin told them.

"She has changed a lot since them. Who would have thought that the little girl auditioning with <Like This> by Wonder Girls would eventually become a really good rapper?" Jinyoung said.

"I'm glad you think so highly of me, Jinyoung," I said finally opening my eyes and sitting down properly. "Hello, Hyunjin!"

"Since when were you awake?" Jinyoung asked me.

"Since the doorbell rang. Sorry for falling asleep on you." I said before standing up and stretching. "I want something to drink. Anyone else?"

"You stay here, I'll take it," Hyunjin told me.

"I can go myself. I'm sick, not impaired, you know?" I protested.

"Shut it." He said placing his index finger on my lips. "Sit down, I'll grab it."

"Shut it, I'll do it myself," I said giving his finger a kiss before laughing and leaving to the kitchen to prepare some coffee and pastries.

"You are really close, aren't you?" JB, who just appeared beside me, said as he picked up the pastry plates I had prepared.

"Yes, we are really good friends," I told him.

"Yes, friends, sure..." He said and left the kitchen.

"Does literally everyone know or what?!" I quietly exclaimed.


After the Got7 boys left, I sat down on the couch with Hyunjin and we watched some music videos on the TV silently while I laid down with my head on his lap. He kept brushing his fingers through my hair, giving me tingles and making me sleepy.

"You can go to sleep again, Soojin," He told me. "I see you are trying not to."

"But this past weeks we have barely been together and since our comeback is so near we won't be able to do it any time soon," I explained sitting down properly. "That sounded more cheesy than I intended."

"It was cute, though," he said pecking my lips.

I then pushed him away, nearly making him off the couch. I managed to catch him just in time, so he didn't.

"Why did you do that?" He asked me concerned.

"I don't want you to get sick too, Hyunjin," I told him.

"Well, I personally don't care, so..." He said smirking before kissing me again.

The kiss then began heating up and he  layed me on the couch before continuing kissing me. We had obviously kissed plenty of times but it was the first time we made out.

As we kissed, I felt his hand rest on my waist underneath my top and ot starled me for a second, making me gasp and therefore allowing him to French kiss me.

It was really new and different to what I was used to yet it simply felt so good I didn't want to stop. It was just us there. No careers, no friends, no secrets... Just us.

All of this quickly came to an end, though, as the girls came back and we heard them trying to open the door.

As soon as we heard it, we both quickly sat down like before (I laid my head on his lap and he placed his left hand on my shoulder) and pretended to watch TV.

"Hello!" Said Leah coming in.

"How was the talk with JYP?" I asked them.

"He told us the future plans he has for ResQ," Mika stated sitting down on the other end of the couch.

"Care to elaborate?" I asked.

"He wants us all to release solo albums apart from the group ones and told Mika she would be the first," Lin explained. "Well, second if you count mine."

"Congratulations!" I said standing up and hugging Mika.

I immediately regretted it, though, as I  felt dizzy and nearly falling.

"Go to sleep again, please." Mika told me. "Take Hyunjin with you if you want to, but do please go to sleep."

"Urgh, fine!" I said tired of them telling me I had to rest.

I then went to my room and laid down on the bed kicking it and muffling a scream with a pillow.

"Why are you so angry? We just want you to rest so you can recover quickly," said Hyunjin sitting down on the bed next to me.

"But you know I hate doing nothing," I told him. "And I'm not tired, my head just hurts."

"It didn't look like that before when you were laying on the couch," he said.

"Stop teasing me!" I said hitting him with a pillow repeatedly.

I then began bothering him and talked non stop to keep myself busy and entertained, but I didn't notice I was driving him mad with all my blabber.

"Oh, for fucks sake!" He said grabbing the pillow and throwing it away before kissing me once again.

Fight for it? RESQ - Stray Kids Hyunjin FF (RESQ SAGA PART 2)Where stories live. Discover now