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We were all in the living room after breakfast waiting for the staff to tell us what we would be doing next.

I was sitting down between Mika and Kyulkyung as we chatted while waiting. After a few minutes, the cameras began recording and the staff finally told us what we would be doing.

"Today we will announce your first mission." A woman from the staff said. "Today and tomorrow you will all be taking care of children in pairs. How do you feel about kids?"

"I love them!" Mika said. "I wanted to be a teacher when I was younger."

"I personally don't know how to act around them." I confessed. "It's nit that I dislike them, I just don't know what to do."

"Well, Soojin, you have two days to learn how to act around them."The woman said." Now, each pair will go to their respective children's house to pick them up. You can then do whatever you please, like going to a park or whatever. All expenses are payed, so don't worry about that. Now, please, all of you go to the adresses we have sent you to your phones.

Hyunjin and I then checked out our phones and saw that, in fact we had already been sent the address.

After saying goodbye to everyone, we both left the house to go to the adress. A few cameras followed us there and would be with us for the entire day.

"Where should we take the kid?" I asked Hyunjin.

"We could take him to the zoo. I heard there's one nearby." He suggested.

"Really? Let's go there then!" I said excited.

When I was younger I remember not really enjoying our school visits to the zoo, but when I grew up I began becoming more interested in them yet had no time to go.

We finally arrived at the kid's home and knocked on the door. When it opened, a woman on her late twenties and a man of similar age welcomed us.

"You must be Hwang Hyunjin and Lee Soojin." He said.

"The ones." Hyunjin said. "Nice to meet you."

"We are Jeon Jihoon and Baek Jiyeon, the parents of the children you'll be taking care of." She said. "Please, come in. Jaehyun and Jaebeom are waiting for you inside."

We then followed them inside and saw a little boy around three or four years old playing with another boy of around one.

"Wait, two?" I asked. "Weren't we supposed to take care of one."

"The others are taking care of one because all of the kids were only childs, you on the other hand will take care of both siblings." One of the cameramen quickly explained.

"Oh... I see." I said. "Sorry if it came out the wrong way, I'm not saying it is a problem."

"Don't worry, we understand." Jiyeon reassured me. "We'll let you both get close to them now. We'll be on the kitchen next door if you need anything."

They then left, leaving us alone with both of the kids. I was really awkward around them, but Hyunjin seemed to know what to do.

"Jaehyun?" Hyunjin called the older boy and he quickly turned hid head towards him. "What are you playing with?"

"I'm painting." He quietly said. "This is mommy and this is daddy."

Hyunjin then looked at the drawing he made and, even if he was still a child, it actually didn't look bad at all. He was better at drawing than me.

As they then began chatting about the drawing suddenly Jaebeom started crying. I quickly approached and picked him up to try to calm him, but he cried louder instead.

"Hyunjin, help, I don't know what to do!" I said as Jaebeom didn't stop crying.

"Put it against your chest and caress his back." He instructed me.

I then did as told and he quickly stopped crying, grabbing the collar of my t-shirt and falling asleep seconds later.

"Well, that was a good chat, wasn't it?" I said softly and we both cuckled.

"What is noona's name?" Jaehyun asked Hyunjin.

"She's Soojin." Hyunjin said standing up.

"She's very pretty!" Jaehyun said. "Is she your girlfriend?"

"She isn't!" He quickly said after looking at all the cameras. "We're just good friends."

"Really good friends." I added smiling at Jaehyun.

"You should date noona." Jaehyun said.

"What do you want to do, Jaehyun?" I asked him changing subject. "Do you want to go to the zoo?"

"Yes!" He exclaimed. "Zoo! Zoo!"

He then jumped around chanting and I had to cover Jaebeom's ears so that he didn't wake up.

"I'll tell his parents we're going. You stay with them." Hyunjin told me and left.

"Noona, come here." He told me and I crouched down beside him so that he could whisper in my ear. "Hyung likes you."

I then couldn't help but chuckle at the little boy's sharpness and ruffles his hair.

"Come on, we are going now. Do you need to go to the toilet before leaving?" I asked him and he nodded. "If you need help, wait for Hyunjin to come back."

Two minutes later Hyunjin was back with his parents and Jiyeon was carrying a bag and Jihoon a baby carriage. Hyunjin then took Jaehyun to the bathroom and I layed Jaebeom on the carriage.

"I think I've never seen Jaehyun grow so close to a stranger ever before." Jihoon said. "That boy surely has a talent with children."

"He is really lovable. I've never met anyone who dislikes him, to be honest." I told them.

"Are you two dating?" Jiyeon asked.

"No, we aren't!" I said blushing. "We're friends, just friends."

"Pity, you'd make a good couple." She said. "Anyways, in this bag you have diapers and anything you may need."

"Thank you very much." I said bowing. "I'll make sure that they both pass a great time."

Fight for it? RESQ - Stray Kids Hyunjin FF (RESQ SAGA PART 2)Where stories live. Discover now