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The day of the Weekly Idol arrived and we were at the waiting area, waiting to be called for the recording. We had already had our makeup done and we already changed into the clothes for the program, so there was really nothing else we had to do.

"Soojin, your phone's ringing!" Leah called me from the couch as I was talking to Kim Shinyoung, one of the MC's, at that moment.

"One second, pick it up for me and tell the person to wait!" I told her.

"Excuse me," I said bowing politely and heading towards Leah. "Who's it?"

"I think he said Minjoo or something, I don't know, I couldn't properly understand the person with all of the yelling," she said shrugging and going back to checking her phone.

"Hello?" I asked. "Who's it?"

"Are you Lee Soojin?" The person on the other side of the phone said.

"Yes, who is this?" I asked again.

"It's Kim Mingyu," he said. "From Seventeen."

"Oh, Mingyu! How are you?" I asked him.

"I'm great, thank you. How have you been?"

"Really well thanks to all of you. Since you named our song on Idol Room we have been at the top of the charts. We owe you a big one!"

"It was nothing," he said. "It wasn't intended at all."

"Anyways, why did you call?" I asked him curiously.

"The boys and I are recording Going Seventeen right now and the boys challenged me to call a member of a girl group to prove we are close and you were the first one who came to mind," he explained.

"I see, so I'm on speaker right now?" I asked.

"Yes, you are."

"Hello, everyone!" I said a little louder and a series of 'hi's were heard. "Nice to meet all of you, even if it's over the phone."

"She's a Carat, guys. Take care of her." Seungkwan told them.

"Hey, Boo Seungkwan, don't spill my secrets!" I told him. 

"ResQ, head to the seat. The recording will begin in five." A member of the staff told us.

"Sorry, boys. I have to go. It was nice meeting all of you."

"Bye-bye!" They said. "Fighting!"

"Wether it's here or there, in the end... Weekly Idol! Please, take good care of us today!" The MCs presented the program.

"Today's Weekly Idol is full of new innocent vibes combined with the strength of new young and aspiring artists," Lee Sangmin said.

"They have recently managed to reach the second spot in the national digital charts with their song Oh! My Mistake," continued Yoo Seyoon.

"And two of the members have recently starred in this channel's program: <Behind the music>," Kim Shinyoung finished.

"Let's welcome... ResQ!" They all exclaimed at the same time.

We then all went inside and bowed towards the cameras, the MCs and the directors before going to our places and standing in a line. They had told us to stand in a certain order, so we followed that. (Mika, Lin, Soojin, Leah)

"Fight for it..." Mika began our greeting.

"ResQ!" We all exclaimed at the same time. "Hello, we are ResQ!"

"Please, introduce yourselves individually." Shinyoung told us.

"Hello, everyone. I'm the visual, Thai member and lead vocalist of the group, Leah. Please take care of me." Leah introduced herself.

"Hello. I'm Lee Soojin, the main rapper, the main dancer and the only korean member of the group. Nice to meet you," I said shyly and bowed.

"It's your one and only girl, Zhu Lin!" Lin introduced herself. "I'm the lead rapper and dancer of the group as well as the Chinese member. Please, take care of me!"

"Hello, I'm the leader and main vocalist as well as the Japanese member, Mika. Let's work hard!" Mika finished."

"Rapper?" Seyoon asked me once we finished. "You are a rapper?"

"Yes, why?" I asked him confused.

"Please, let's play a clip of the song." He asked the staff and they played the chorus. "That's rap?"

Instead of answering, I just laughed, leaning onto Lin's shoulder as my ears became red.

"Care to explain?" Sangmin told me.

"Well, technically I am the rapper and I have trained as a rapper, but for this concept there wasn't really any way to add rap, so I had to sing." I explained. "I promise I am a rapper."

"Why don't you rap something for us now, then?" Seyoon tried to challenge me.

"Bring it on!" I told them taking them by surprise. "Do you have the instrumental for Stray Kids' District 9 by any means?"

After the staff had searched and found it, they handed me a microphone and I warmed up my voice slightly.

"Which part?" The staff asked me.

"The second verse, please," I told them.

Once it was all prepared, the MCs introduced to the audience the song for me.

"Can one of you sing the part before that?" I asked the girls.

"I've got you!" Said Mika picking up the microphone.

(From 1:17 until 1:49)

As soon as the instrumental began, Mika sang the previous part in a higher key and threw me the microphone, which I caught mid-air and quickly brought it to my lips to start rapping.

It was honestly a really fast rap, but I had done it so many times that I almost didn't have to think about what I was doing or saying.

Once I finished the MCs applauded me except for Sangmin who had his jaw hanging low.

"How...? Why...? When...?" He stuttered. "Cute concept? Butterflies? Flowers?"

"While he recovers from the impact, let's have you talk about the song," Shinyoung told us.

"The song talks about a girl who wants a boy to fall for her but all of this story is told in a confident, almost sarcastic way," Lin explained. "The instrumental combines different styles and genres that make it different from other songs but it's still catchy."

"I get the lyrics came from personal experience. Who wrote the song?" Seyoon asked and Lin and I raised our hands. "Lin, you are currently dating, is that right?"

"Yes, I am. I'm dating the Chinese singer Fan Chengcheng, yes." She directly admitted.

"So is this song directed towards him?" He asked her.

"Although I helped in the creation of the lyrics, this song is mainly Soojin's, so it isn't directed towards him. I'll admit there are some phrases here and there which may or may not have a story behind them, but I can't say much more."

"Therefore, Lee Soojin, is this song dedicated to anyone?"

Fight for it? RESQ - Stray Kids Hyunjin FF (RESQ SAGA PART 2)Where stories live. Discover now