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After they had called me, I went to the JYP building. It all thankfully went as planned, so I was really happy. The problem was that Mika and Chan had admitted they were dating, so we would have to confront JYP with this issue.

Once I reached the building, everyone enveloped me in a hug. We would finally be free from Sooyeon the witch which was certainly releaving.

"You flipping idiots!" I exclaimed as I hit Chan and Mika upside the head. "Did you have to tell him?!"

"We had no other alternative!" Chan said.

"Besides, he would have eventually found out, it was just a matter of time,"Mika added.

"Well, I certainly hope he isn't too harsh on any of us," I said with a sigh.

I then felt someone tap my shoulder and l turned around to check who it was. There was Hyunjin with a big smile on his face and his arms wide open, waiting for me to hug him.

And of course, I did. I enveloped him in the highest hug and pulled him for a kiss. After a long time I was finally able to feel his soft plump lips against mine, a melody yet a chaos of emotions being experienced all at once.

"I've missed you." He said as we pulled away from the kiss yet not from the hug.

"I'm sorry for not really paying attention to you the other day. I really wanted to get Sooyeon kicked out." I apologised.

"Are you stupid? Don't be sorry. There are priorities in this life and that certainly was one." He said with a smile.

"Sorry to interrupt this romantic movie cliché situation, but JYP is ready to see us," said Chan who had just ended a call. "He wants to see us all."

We were all incrediby panicked. There were many possible outcomes to this conversation, but none of them were exactly promising. Still, we all headed to the office quietly while hoping for the best.

"Can we come in?"Asked Chan after knocking on the door.

"Yes, please," said JYP. "Let's sit on the couch, you are way too many people and I dont want you all to be standing up in case this takes longer than what I intended."

We then all sat on the L-shaped couch really close to each other as there wasnt that much space. Still, we all managed to sit down and JYP took his desk chair and sat in front of us.

"First of all, you are going to be the death of me,'' he said sighing." It hasn't even been half a year since you debuted yet you have already managed to make me want to pull my hair out.

"Sorry about that..." Mika said and we all bowed.

"Anyway, I will ask this question first: Who in this group is dating? I don't care if you are dating each other or someone else, but who in here is seeing someone?" He asked us.

Mika, Chan, Lin, Hyunjin and I then rose our hands.

"Leah, congratulations on being the only single person in your group," he said sarcastically.

"Thank you...?" she said not knowing how to respond to that.

"You know what?" He said standing up. "Dating hasn't killed anyone yet and I'm tired of all of you. I'm going to cancel all of your dating bans and you can do whatever you want. If you weren't such promising groups I wouldn't have hesitated to kick all of your out, but you make music that's way too good and I spend considerably less money on you than on other groups."

"Honesty at it's finest...!" Said Minho quietly.

"You know something?"JYP said ignoring Minho's remark. "Even if you are all a pain in the neck I still like you. Especially you, Soojin. The fact that you took the blame for them is impressive."

"I had to protect our leaders, especially Mika as she's debuting solo soon." I admitted.

"I guessed that much, but it is still impressive." He said moving the chair back to its original place at the desk. "If you have nothing else to say and nothing else to confess, I will rewrite Stray Kids' contracts and send theme to your manager as well as hire a new manager for ResQ. You are all free to go. Hopefully next time we see each other isn't because of any problem."

"Thank you, sir. We will work hard." Chan said as we stood up to bow.

"Off you go! You are free to go on dates with each other now."JYP said." Chan, Hyunjin, invite the girls to dinner. Well, or vice versa. You get what I mean!"


After a mini celebration from all of us, Hyunjin and Chan took JYP's advise and decided to take Mika and I on a double date to a restaurant.

"I never would have guessed we would end up removing their dating bans," Mika confessed as we sat on a table.

"It was really unexpected!" Chan agreed. "I was honestly expecting something really bad."

"Let's be thankful. Due to his decision we are now able to do things like this!" Hyunjin said kissing my cheek.

"Stop it, Hyunjin!" I said giggling.

"I'll go to the bathroom. Order a cola for me." I heard Chan telling Mika before leaving.

"Okay, I'll stop." Hyunjin said and rest his head on his hand and stared at me.

There then was a click sound as Mika took a picture of us.

"You two are honestly too cute!" Mika said showing the picture to us.

"Hey! I want us all to take a picture!" I said as Chan came back and sat down. "Let me ask someone to do take it for us."

The waitress who came to take our order was thankfully kind enough and took the picture for us. I surely would be treasuring these pictures forever. The first time we all dated freely. No more hiding.

Fight for it? RESQ - Stray Kids Hyunjin FF (RESQ SAGA PART 2)Where stories live. Discover now