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On the 30th of August, one day before Mika's debut and birthday, Mika had us all monitoring her rehearsals to make sure it all was perfect.

"Should I step a centimetre more to the right?" She asked us showing us the exact part.

"Mika, really? It looks the flipping same!"Lean exclaimed laying down on the rehearsal room's couch.

"I think you should," Lin told her paying no attention to Leah's comment.

"And maybe you can also move your left arm a little further. About half a centimetre, one at the most." I added.

"Are you flipping kidding me?" Leah said facepalming. "Look, I know you are all a bunch of perfectionists, but this is too much. Can't we go grab a coffee or something? We have been here for what, five hours?"

"I'll actually join you on that one!" I said standing up from the floor. "I'm tired and starving. Let's go to the cafeteria on the rooftop to get some fresh air as we are at it."

"I knew I could count on you!" She said standing up. "Are you two going to join us or you want to keep moving limbs half a centimetre to the side?"

"I'll join you! I'm getting a headache from hearing the same song on loop." Lin said joining us.

"You should come too, Mika. You need to take a break, we've been here since six in the morning." I told her.

"But I need to make sure everything is perfect!" She protested.

"You are literally the only one who sees all those imperfections! Even Lin and Soojin told you everything was okay before you began pointing things out." Leah told her. "You are just nervous, you need to relax!"

As Leah and Lin tried to convince her, I took the opportunity to text Chan.

Mind coming here to convince your dear girlfriend to take a break?

Bang Chan
Didn't she say yesterday she would start rehearsing at six?

Yes, and she dragged us along. Please, help us. She's reslly stubborn.

Bang Chan
I'm on my way, I'm also dragging Hyunjin with me.

You didn't have to.

Bang Chan
He has been literally been talking about you all day. My sanity begged me to do it.

Hahaha okay. See you in a bit, then! We're at the Michael Jackson studio. Send Hyunjin to the rooftop.

Bang Chan
Got it! See you!

After that, I placed my phone back in my pocket and approached the bickering girls.

"Let's leave her alone," I told Leah and Lin. "If she doesn't want to come it's her loss."

Sighing, they both decided to pay attention to me and we all left to the rooftop without her.

"I texted Chan, he's on his way," I told them and Leah let out a breath.

"Thank god! I actually thought you were going to leave her there rehearsing until she passes out." She admitted.

"Since when doesn't Soojin have a plan?" Lin said and we all chuckled.

"Three ice americanos, please," Leah ordered.

"Make that four and add a cheesecake," said Hyunjin appearing suddenly. "I hope my presence is welcomed."

"Of course it is!" Said Lin. "Did you come with Chan?"

"Yes, he's with Mika now. They should be coming up in a few minutes." He told us as we sat down on one of the tables. "How have you been?"

"We're doing great! Summer's almost over and we will soon need to come back with an album, but we're great other than that." Lin told him. "Soojin has been comic up with some ideas, but nothing has been decided yet."

"We have the light and dark albums, the style mix album, the multi-language album... I don't know which one to choose," I admitted.

"Multi-language album?" Chan, who had just arrived with Mika, asked. "What's that?"

"Literally what it says, you idiot!" Mika told him. "An album made up of songs in different languages."

"We'd create a song in each of the languages we speak so one in Korean, one in Chinese, one in Thai, one in Japanese, one in English and maybe some in French and Spanish, that hasn't been  decided yet."

"I like that idea! It will really make you all stand out and it will also help you promote your music outside of Korea," Hyunjin told us. "I think you should do that one?"

"Yes, I think so too. It's a really interesting concept for an album," Chan agreed.

"What do you think?" I asked the girls. "Should I start working on that?"

"It's alright by me!" Leah said. "Although you and Mika will have to work hard on your Thai pronunciation. I think the song 'Realize' could work for the album, Soojin. The one I created a few months ago."

"I like the idea too. I think we should go for it." Lin said. "I also have a song that could work well for the album.

"Then it's settled!" Mika stated. "A multi-language album it is!"

"I will show you later some possible instrumentals I have stored on my laptop. If you like any of them, we can create songs from there." I told them.


After we had all finished our coffee, they all went back with Mika to the rehearsing room while I went to JYP's office to talk to him about my ideas for the comeback. We still didn't have a manager and Mika was busy with her own comeback, so going there was my only option.

"Come in!" JYP said from inside his office after I knocked on the door. "Oh, Soojin! What brings you here? I hope nothing bad."

"No, don't worry. I just wanted to talk to you about the ideas we have for the next comeback." I told him.

"Yes, please! I'm really curious about what you've been working on."

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