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We were backstage at the MAMAs already and had changed onto our stage outfits. As we had only had two days to rehearse the song, we were all extremely nervous and tense. We also fought for little things although it didn't get too bad as we knew it was all due to our state.

"No, Lin!" Mika told her as we rehearsed. "You need to go through the left and Leah through the right."

"Does it really matter? We are just changing spots!" Lin protested. "As long as we don't crash, it should be okay!"

"But we agreed to do it that way!" Mika argued.

They then bickered back and forth for about a minute until I got sick of it and told them to stop.

"Girls, what's going on?" I asked both of them. "Mika, if they find it more comfortable that way, let them. I know you are our leader and want everything to be perfect, but we need to go on stage in ten minutes and trying to change this will only confuse them."

"Okay, fine!" Mika gave in. "Sorry, I'm just nervous. We only rehearsed for two days."

"We have already done everything we could, Mika," Lin told her. "Now we can only pray it all goes as planned."

After rehearsing for another five minutes, Yeongjae told us to get ready to go on stage as they were about to air the pre-show clips.

"Feeling nervous?" I heard someone ask and turned to see Moonbyul there.

"Extremely," Mika answered. "I haven't felt this nervous since our debut."

"I'm sure you'll do just fine!" She told us. "I'm really expectant to see what you will show us today. I am sure I won't be dissappointed."

"Don't worry, you won't," I told her. "Or at least I hope so!"

"Girls, you are up in thirty seconds!" A staff member told us.

We then all gathered to say some encouraging words before we saw the lights on the stage turn off and the screens turn on.

Just as I had suggested, all of the tweets and comments we had received regarding our style appeared on the screen with the names blurred out. As that happened, we each went to our position as we would be appearing from different sides of the stage.

The music then began and we all sang our lines as we appeared with a light pointing towards us as we said our line.

"Red Lip? No!" Lin started.

"Earrings? No!" Mika continued.

"High heels? No!" I followed.

"Handbag? No!" Leah closed.

After that, we all gathered in the middle of the stage to continue with the performance.

(Soojin's parts are mainly Yeeun's and Lin Seungyeon's. The others vary. The guide is on the previous chapter.)

The public's response was unbelievable and the aura was amazing. I could even see some people holding our lightstick, which made me feel very proud.

When my rap parts came, I tried to stand out but in a good way. I made my rap flow as naturally yet powerful and impressive as possible and the response was incredible.

Once the performance came to an end, we went down the stage and many of the artists there applauded us, so we bowed. Wanna One went on stage next and we all wished them good luck before approaching the boys, who would go on stage next.

"Woah!" Chan exclaimed when he saw us. "The song looked so good in that stage!"

"You can tell us that later, you need to perform now!" Mika said pushing him. "You don't have time."

"Good luck!" I told Hyunjin pecking his lips.

"Thank you!" He said before they all left running to their spots.

The Got7 boys then approached us. They would also be going on stage minutes later, but they still had time.

"Was it necessary to do that right in front of me?" Jinyoung, who had just seen Hyunjin and I kiss, said.

"Oh, come on! We did that on stage two days ago. It's not like you haven't seen it!" I told him hitting his arm.

"But still, I need to talk to him. You are like my little sister," he said ruffling my hair.

"Why do you keep doing that! I'm not a dog!" I said fixing my hair.

"You truly are like siblings," Mark told us. "Just like Jackson and Lin."

We then turned towards them and saw that they were bickering next to us as Lin had just received a call from her boyfriend but Jackson had managed to grab her phone.

"Hello, Fan Chengcheng!" Jackson said in Chinese. "How is life going? I hope you are treating Linlin right!"

"Come on, Jackson! Give me my phone back!" Lin pleaded.

"Technically they grew up together so it makes sense," JB said as he fixed his microphone. "But with these two it doesn't as they have only known each other for what? Four years?"

"Almost six!" I said proudly. "And I literally see him more than I see my family, so it counts just as much."

"Okay, okay!" JB surrendered before turning towards Jackson. "Hey, idiot! We need to go on stage now!"

"Don't call me an idiot!" Jackson exclaimed before handing Lin her phone back and approaching JB.

"You are one, so I don't see the problem."

"You are the idiot. Be thankful you are older than me or else I would have kicked your butt already," he muttered in Chinese so he wouldn't understand it.

Mark, Lin and I then burst out laughing as we all understood it, which made JB immediately become furious.

"I dare you to say that in Korean!" JB said and they ended up running as JB tried to catch Jackson to hit him.

"Good luck, guys," Mika told the rest of them. "Although I'm sure you'll do just fine. You are professionals, anyway."

"Thank you girls," Bambam told her.

"Good luck to you too for later in case we don't see you!" Yugyeom said before they all left.

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