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A week after the Idol Room, we were all actually really happy. Promotion time was over for both groups and we seemed to be able to pass a lot more time together. Chan and Mika had even gone on a date the previous day.

We had decided to book the Bobby Brown dance practice room for all of us to mess around and went there at around twelve.

It was already one in the afternoon and the boys were teaching me the dance to Voices as I had worked in the creation process and really wanted to learn it.

"So now, you kneel down and-" Minho began telling me but was interrupted by the opening door.

We all quickly turned around to see who it was and saw JYP there, so we immediately bowed.

"I'll be dropping formalities," He said and slammed an envelope on the floor. "Care to explain what the fuck is going on with all of you?"

"What are you talking about?" Asked Chan picking up the envelope.

"I haven't opened it because I want to hear it from you. Who of you are currently dating?" He asked pissed off. "A magazine has threatened to publish pictures of two of you on a date."

"Couldn't it just be us eating together as friends?" Jisung said.

"You kiss your friends?" JYP told him. "Quit the bullshit. I have already passed more than one thing with all of you. I took care of Mika and Chan's scandal not so long ago and decided to trust you. Just tell me or I will open the envelope and find it out myself. Who in here are dating?!"

At that instant Hyunjin and I looked at each others' eyes. We knew for a fact that it wasn't us as we had both only met inside the dorms, so it could only be Mika a Chan. Mika was going to have her solo debut soon and I was sure this wouldn't work well for her.

Just with that simple look, we knew what we had to do, even if it meant ruining our current happiness.

"It was us," Hyunjin and I said at the same time just as Chan and Mika were about to step forward.

"What are you doing, Soojin?!" Mika whisper-yelled to me trying to pull me back.

"It's us the ones in the pictures. We are dating." I told JYP as I released myself from Mika's grasp.

"I get you don't have a dating ban, Soojin, but you have one, Hyunjin! Don't you realise you are currently disobeying the contract?!" JYP told him before sighing. "Both of you, follow me."


Once Soojin and Hyunjin left we all stood there shocked.

"Haven't they only met at the dorms?" Asked a confused Seungmin. "How can those photos be theirs?"

"That's because they aren't theirs, Seungmin." Said Chan running his fingers through his hair in frustration. "Those flipping idiots just sacrificed themselves for Mika and I."

"Why would they do that? Don't they realise they may have just ruined their careers?" Felix asked.

"They knew what they were doing." I told them. "Or at least Soojin knew. She always thinks everything through. She had to be sure before doing it."

"This can't be happening..." Said Jisung before punching the wall with all his force. "I want to slap them across the face right now."

"Sit down, please." JYP told us once we reached his office and we did so. "You do realise this is a hard blow to the trust I placed on both of you. I am truly disappointed."

"Sorry," Hyunjin and I said bowing.

"I am the one who is sorry," he told us. "I will be putting both of you on hiatus while I try to solve this and think what to do with you."

"No, you can't do that! I'll take the full blame!" I immediately said. "I was the one who told him to do it! Put me on hiatus, not him!"

"Soojin!" Hyunjin said trying to stop me.

"You aren't going to get punished for something I did." I told him, obviously lying. "Please, let him go free."

"I see you are willing to take all the blame, are you sure about this?" JYP asked me shocked.

"Certain, let him go. I beg you." I pleaded literally going down on my knees.

"Please, stand up." He told me. "Okay, I'll let him go. But that means you will take on both your punishments."

"No, Soojin!" Hyunjin protested.

"Shut up, Hyunjin!" I yelled at him, startling him.

"Stop yelling, will you?" JYP told us. "Hyunjin, you may leave now. I need too talk to Soojin privately now."

Although he didn't want to, he ended up leaving, sending me a 'why are you doing this?' glance before leaving.

"I don't know why you did that, but I see you truly have a noble heart, however idiotic your actions were." He told me. "To keep it quick and simple, you will be on hiatus until further notice. No public appearances, no promotions and no comebacks until further notice."

"I understand..." I said fighting back my tears. "Soojin, I really hate doing this, believe me. But of all the people with no dating bans you could date, you chose a person with one. I'm sorry."

"I understand my actions weren't appropriate. I'll take on the punishment without objections." I told him. "I still would like to work with the group even if I can't promote with them."

"You can do that," he told me. "You may go now to tell your group. Break those pictures before throwing them away so no one can see them."

"I will," I said before bowing and leaving.

"Soojin, wait!" He told me and I stopped. "Don't be too discouraged. It's a hiatus, you aren't leaving the group."

"What's the difference when the only thing that keeps you going is the stage?"

Fight for it? RESQ - Stray Kids Hyunjin FF (RESQ SAGA PART 2)Where stories live. Discover now