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"Soojin, I told you to do the harmonies a little higher!" Mika repeated for the nth time. "You aren't listening to me at all. Is everything okay?"

"Yes, sorry. I'm just not feeling very well." I said.

We had been practising for about three weeks and we were a week and a half away from the comeback. I had been working full time with the studio crew to make the songs perfect and teaching and rehearsing the dances with the girls as well as on my own. As I also had to sing I made sure to practice as much as I possibly could, leaving me little to no time to rest.

Leah then approached me and felt my forehead. Her cold hand felt really soothing.

"You're burning, Soojin!" Leah exclaimed. "You should go to the doctor!"

"It's okay, don't worry. I just need to rest a little." I reassured her. "We can just take five minutes and I'll be back to normal. Don't worry too much."

After I said that, I sat down on the couch at the side of the room and Mika immediately approached me and pressed her hand against my forehead too.

"Come with me, " she ordered pulling my arm. "You are going to get a check up whether you like it or not."

"I told you I'm okay. I just need to rest!" I protested.

"Just shut up. You won't convince me," she told me before turning towards Lin and Leah. "I'll go to the doctor with her. Keep practising while we're away, okay?"

"Aye aye, captain!" Leah said. "We'll work hard."


After coming back from the doctor Mika forced me to go to bed. I had a really high fever and the doctor told me to rest as I even had some more severe symptoms such as confusion.

"At least let me be productive!" I told her trying to stand up but she pushed me back down to the bed.

"Soojin, who sings the song <Shining Diamonds>?" She suddenly asked me.

I thought about it for a while, bit just trying to remember it made me feel dizzy.

"You've taken more than three seconds to respond. You aren't on your right mind," she concluded. "If you can't recognise a Seventeen song there is no way you can be productive."

I was about to answer back to her when her phone rang and she left the room leaving me alone for around two minutes before coming back.

"I have to go now, Sooyeon told me JYP was asking for all of us. I'll tell him about your situation, don't worry. I'll ask someone to come over too." She said and kissed the top of my head before leaving. "Don't you dare move an inch."

"Yes, mum," I said sighing and she left.

Around fifteen minutes after she left, I received a phone call. Checking the ID I didn't know who it was but picked it up still.

"Hello?" I said answering the phone. "Who is it?"

"Soojin?" The person on the other line said. "I'm Jinyoung."

"Oh, Jinyoung!" I said. "Has anything happened?"

"Mika told me you were sick at home and told me to check up on you but I don't know where your dorm is." He told me.

"Don't listen to her, I'm okay. I just have a fever," I reassured him. "You don't need to come."

"I insist. If you are sick, someone needs to take care of you," he told me. "Tell me your address and all. I'll go there as soon as I can."

Feeling too sick to try to convince him, I finally gave up and gave him our address. After I had done so, he hung up and I went to the kitchen to get a glass of water.

I then felt intense pain on my head and had to steady myself as the dizziness swept over me once again, nearly making me fall.

"I should be practising but instead I'm here sick," I said sighing and finally drank the water. "If Mika really thinks I will be doing nothing, she's an idiot."

As I was going to go to the lounge room to busy myself with music, there was a knock on the door and I turned around to go to check who it was. I guessed it was Jinyoung, but when I opened the door I saw both Jinyoung and JB there.

"Oh, hello, JB!" I said. "Come in."

Immediately after coming in JB felt my forehead, scaring me.

"You're burning! Did you take any medicine?" He asked me concerned and I nodded. "Have you been overworking yourself for the comeback?"

"It could be..." I admitted. "But I'm not that bad, I promise. You're here for nothing."

"Nonsense!" Jinyoung said and made me sit on the couch. "We will make sure you rest. If you are alone I bet you will try to work on something."

"How did you...?" I asked him shocked.

"We know you better than you think, Soojin." Said JB ruffling my hair. "Now, watch some TV and try to sleep. If you don't, Mika will personally murder us."

"Urgh, alright!" I said crossing my arms.

Jinyoung then sat on my left and JB on my right trapping me. They then turned on the TV and we watched Weekly Idol. They were airing an episode with Golden Child, a group which I recognised but never really went more in-depth. I had to check them out properly.

Not even fifteen minutes into the program, I began falling asleep although I tried not to. In the end, my head fell on top of Jinyoung's shoulder as I went to dream world.

Fight for it? RESQ - Stray Kids Hyunjin FF (RESQ SAGA PART 2)Where stories live. Discover now