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"And the winner is..." Chengcheng said as he opened the envelope. "Nishikino Mika from ResQ!"

We all then immediately stood up to cheer as Mika mimicked the situation from the Korean MAMA's and kissed Chan.

"Get a room!" Minho joked making them part.

Mika then went to the stage to receive the award and Chengcheng wrapped her in a hug before handing it to her and moving to the side so she could give her speech.

"I... I just can't believe it. Four out of four!" She said referring to how we had won all of the awards we were nominated for. "I want to thank all of the Fighters and everyone who has supported us no matter if it was from the start or from a week ago. This award belongs to all of you. Also, thank you to my groupmates and the JYP family for everything. Especially, I would like to thank Soojin for helping me create this album. Thank you to my family for supporting me no matter what even though I don't get to see them that much. I love you all. Let's keep working hard and never slack off. Thank you."


After a while, it was time to finally show the song we would be releasing with Seventeen: «Do Better».

"Ready, guys?" I asked them as we waited backstage for our turn.

"As ready as we'll ever be!" Hoshi said. "We need to rock this stage."

"You are showing two new songs today, the Carats must be extremely happy," Leah said. "It must feel like Christmas came early."

"I can assure you they are. Believe me, I'm a Carat," I said making them chuckle.

We were then told to get ready and did a group cheer before going to our spots. We would be appearing through different platforms that would rise from below the stage and send us jumping.

As the introduction song began, the first ones to be shot up were Mika and Woozi, who went to the middle of the stage and did the Jojo pose. Next came Leah and Hoshi who did a heart. Then came Lin and Vernon who did a handshake and finally Wonwoo and I jumped up, met in the middle and did the hand signs of the opposite group (Wonwoo did ResQ's R and I did the Seventeen heart).

We then all went to our spots and the song and the song began.

When the song finished, we kept our pose for a few seconds as the fans cheered before relaxing and heading to our seats again.

"That was brutal!" Vernon exclaimed. "It looks so much cooler on stage."

"The jumping thing was so much fun!" Leah said. "I almost fell but who cares!"

We then all went back to our seats to continue watching the performances but we were stopped mid-way by Got7, who wanted to congratulate us. Close to them were also the BTS boys, who greeted Seventeen.

"Girls, come here one second," Woozi told us and we did. " I wanted to introduce you to the BTS boys."

"Oh, hello!" Mika said and we all bowed. "Nice to meet all of you."

"Nice to meet you too!" Jungkook said. "Dokyeom, Mingyu and The8 have talked a lot about you."

"Did they really?" Leah asked them and they nodded. "I hope they were all good things."

"Don't worry, they were," said J-hope. "You were really good today. Your performances were amazing."

" Thank you very much!" Mika said and we all bowed.

"We should add Mika to the '97 liners group. I can't be an all-boys group forever," Jungkook said more to himself than to anyone.

"I'll tell the boys now if you want to," Vernon told him and he nodded.

"We won't take more of your time," Namjoon told us with a smile.

"Yes, I'm sure their boyfriends are waiting," Jin joked.

After bidding our goodbyes, we made our way to our seats to watch the remaining performances, now much more relaxed and enjoying the performances completely.


Back at Lin's father's home, we were all messing around and having some drinks to celebrate all the awards we had won overall. To make sure nothing like the Leah incident happened, I just had a can of beer, so I was completely sober. I couldn't say the same about most of them as they were almost on the floor. The only ones who hadn't tasted a drop of alcohol were Lin and Jeongin.

"The house had a pretty big backyard with a pool, a dining table and two swings and, as I wanted to get some fresh air, I went there and sat on one of the swings, not really swinging myself but rather just sitting there.

"M'lady!" Said a slightly drunk Jisung as he approached me. "Why are you out here alone? It's cold!"

"No, it's not!" I said and motioned him to sit down on the other swing. "It's the perfect weather to relax and unwind."

"Congratulations on all the awards you all won," he said with a genuine smile.

"It's a pity you weren't nominated for more. I can't believe they took me into account as a composer but not 3Racha."

"It's okay. Don't dwell over it too much," he said sending me a smile. "By the way, Christmas is coming and I was thinking about getting you something."

"You don't have to. I don't need not want anything," I told him. "Buy something for yourself instead."

"You already rejected me; don't reject my Christmas gifts too!" He told me lightly hitting my arm. "No, but seriously, what do you want?"

"What about... An afternoon at the arcade? Just like we used to do," I suggested. "I'm sure I will treasure it more than any gift you may give me."

"I will have to accept the offer!" He said standing up. " Prince Charming is coming, I don't want to disturb you. See you later."

After Jisung left, Hyunjin appeared with a can of beer in his hand. I told him to sit down where Jisung was seconds before, but he instead pulled me up to my feet.

"Are you drunk?" I asked him.

"Maybe," he said hugging my waist. "What are you doing out here?"

"Just thinking," I told him. "The fresh air helps me do so. We never really have the chance to go out and relax."

Hyunjin then suddenly laid down on the artificial grass and told me to do the same.

"You really are drunk," I said chuckling but laying down nonetheless.

"Drunk for your love!" He said in a sing-song voice while hugging me, making me laugh at his stupidity.

We stayed like that for a few seconds, just looking at the sky in silence, listening to the birds and owls as the wind blew lightly.

"So... Your solo debut," Hyunjin spoke up. "You finally made it. When are you releasing the album?"

"Before Christmas," I answered. "Perks of already having the dances created and the songs recorded."

"I can help you if you need anything. If you need help to rehearse any dance you just need to say so," he told me. "I'll even be one of your backup dancers if need be."

"Don't be an idiot!" I said hitting his arm.

We then heard the door of the backyard open and Chengcheng spoke up.

"Lovebirds, sorry to interrupt you but everyone is going to sleep already. Your flight leaves early and you don't want to miss it," he said sending us a wink before going back inside.

"Come on, let's go!" I said sitting up and hitting Hyunjin's leg lightly. "You need to sleep off that alcohol. Take an aspirin upstairs with you. Better, take a few for your whole room."


Fight for it? RESQ - Stray Kids Hyunjin FF (RESQ SAGA PART 2)Where stories live. Discover now