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"How's Hyunjin, anyway?" I asked Jisung after taking a shot.

"He is... Alive..." He answered. "I was hoping you'd be better, but I guess you are both the same. One with alcohol and music and the other with dance and sleep."

"At least he's getting sleep," I said. "Tell him I said I love him."

"Don't worry, I'm sure he already knows that." Jisung told me. "Actions say more than words."

"It just sucks, pardon my language." I said laying down on his lap. "I don't regret sacrificing myself for Chan and Mika, but being trapped in here like Rapunzel is bullshit. The worst part ia it all happened because of some damn pictures."

A phone then rang but I couldn't recognise the ringtone. I knew it couldn't be mine as they had taken it away, so I stood up to check where the sound came from.

"Is that yours?" I said as I found a phone on the entrance table.

"Mine? No, mine's on my pocket." He said taking it out and showing it to me. "Maybe it's from one of the other girls."

"No, it's an IPhone. None of them have an IPhone." I said and took it, turning on the screen.

A picture of Sooyeon then appeared on the screen and I gasped before grinning.

"That idiot left her phone here!" I said and jumped on the couch. "Fuck, it has a password."

"Do you know her birthday? It could be that." Jisung suggested.

"Eight or nine of January. I didn't really pay attention to the year." I told him.

When I tried it with eight it didn't work, but I decided to check with nine too justbin case. It thankfully then opened and we both facepalmed.

"I didn't think that would work, to be honest." Jisung admitted.

We then began looking through her phone, going from her social media to her contacts.

"Let's check her gallery. There must be gold in there!" Jisung exclaimed excited.

As soon as we opened the gallery, though. I dropped the phone in shock, not knowing what to do.

"Were that...?" Jisung asked.

"Chan and Mika's pictures."

Jisung immediately sent himself the pictures before we stood up and left the dorm. I didn't even bothered to try to look presentable. The bodyguards at the door tried to stop me, so I decided to tell them a half-lie.

"I'm going to the JYP building, don't worry," I told them and they let me go.

Jisung called Chan as we ran to the JYP building which wasn't too far away. He just told them to meet us in front of the lockers as soon as they could and hung up. He then called the girls too saying the same.


Once we arrived at the meeting spot, everyone was already there, including Hyunjin, but I had no time to talk to him. The pictures were far more important.

"Soojin!" Hyunjin exclaimed.

"I'm glad to see you too, but this is too important," I said interrupting him. "Did any of you open JYP's envelope?" 

"I did, why?" Chan asked confused.

"Do this pictures perhaps match?" Jisung said showing him the photos from Sooyeon's phone.

"Yes! Those are the ones! How did you get them? Did someone post them?" Chan asked confused.

"Did you throw the envelope away? Did you break it?" I asked him, ignoring his questions.

"I think I didn't. I completely forgot about them. I just left them under the computer at the Bobby Brown dance room." He answered. "But where did you get the pictures?"

"From Sooyeon's phone," Jisung answered.

"Sooyeon?! As in our manager Sooyeon?!" Mika asked perplexed.

"Yes, that witch," I answered. "The pictures were on her phone. We need to show this to JYP, we need to get her fired!"

"Let's find that envelope!" Said Hyunjin about to run to the dance room.

"Wait!" Seungmin stopped us. "Don't you remember you told JYP that the ones dating were Soojin and Hyunjin and not Chan and Mika?"

"Fuck!" I exclaimed facepalming. "I didn't think about that."

"I don't care, we should tell him still!" Mika exclaimed.

"She literally sold those pictures to a magazine when she's their manager, I don't give a fuck about JYP finding out it was really us!" Chan added.

"You may not care, but I do!" Exclaimed Lin, who had been quiet throughout the whole thing. "You do realise you would be risking a hiatus too, right? We need to find another solution!"

We then all stayed silent trying to come up with a solution for what seemed like an eternity until Jeongin said something.

"Weren't pictures of Chan and Mika leaked not so long ago?" He said and we all nodded. "What if that was her fault too?"

"You're right!" Said Leah. "If we find the proof that it was her, we may be able to solve this!"

"Mika, call Sooyeon. We need to see if she came back to pick up her phone." I told her and she immediately dialled her number.

For a few torturous seconds no one picked up, which made us all feel hopeful, but, just as Mika was about to hung up, Sooyeon picked it up.

"Mika? What do you want? I'm currently driving." She said with the fake sweet voice she used with everyone but me.

"Soojin told us you left your phone at home and I wanted to check if you had already picked it up." Mika lied.

"You didn't need to worry!" She exclaimed making me want to puke. "Thank you for worrying. See you tomorrow!"

"See you!" She said and hung up.

"What's plan B, then?" Hyunjin asked.

Fight for it? RESQ - Stray Kids Hyunjin FF (RESQ SAGA PART 2)Where stories live. Discover now