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To our amazement, one of the rooms wasn't booked so we were able to rehearse.

"Wait, we don't have the pendrive!" Mika exclaimed. "We gave it to Chan yesterday."

"They are rehearsing next door. I'll ask him for it." I volunteered and left.

I opened the door to their dance studio and they were rehearsing their soon-to-be debut song <District 9>. They were going to stop when they saw me, but I told them to continue. I just pulled Chan to the side for a second.

"Do you have the pendrive with you?" I asked him.

"No, Hyunjin has it." He told me. "He said he had to check something you told him about or something like that."

He then continued rehearsing with the boys and I pulled Hyunjin aside this time.

"Jinnie, do you have the pendrive with you?" I asked him.

Whenever we were alone I barely ever called him Hyunjin. Although I was months younger than him, he told me to always use informal language with him if we were alone. We were that close.

"Yes, it's on my bag. It's the blue one. Take it yourself." He said and went back to rehearsing.

I went to the table where they had layed out all their stuff and picked up the blue bag Hyunjin had told me about. I was glad we were really close because the contents of the pocket in which the pendrive was were a little gross (AKA extra boxers). Trying to ignore it, I finally found the pendrive and picked it up.

Suddenly, I saw that they had written my name with a heart next to it on the pendrive with permanent marker. Shaking my head, I said goodbye and went back to our dance studio.

"Here it is!" I exclaimed once I arrived and went towards the laptop to plug it in. We then started working.

As JYP had no clue about the songs, we had created the dance, song and lyrics all by ourselves. We began polishing the dance to <Sweet Talk> that, although it was already done, we still needed to give it the finishing touches.

"During the last chorus I think we should dance in a line rather than in the triangle formation." Leah pointed out.

"Yes, I think so too," Mika agreed. "We all sing in that part after all."

Apart from the main rapper, they had also assigned me as the dance leader, which meant I had a lot of work whenever we created a song. The girls also helped me with the instrumentals from time to time, but I was mainly the one composing them and writing the lyrics too.

Mika's specialty when creating songs was ballads as she was the main vocalist. Leah, on the other hand, was best at creating more upbeat music.

The door opened as we were rehearsing and we stopped abruptly, but when we saw it was only the boys from Stray Kids we continued.

They all sat down in front of the mirror and watched us rehearse. I wasn't blind and saw how Chan was drooling while watching Mika and Changbin while watching Leah. Hyunjin seemed to notice that too and laughed at their idiotic faces before sending me a smile.

When we finished, they applauded us and we thanked them. They then told us that the dance teacher would be absent and that we wouldn't have class, so I was extremely glad.

"Do you want to hang out at our dorm?" Woojin asked. "We have finished our schedule too."

"Fine by me!" Exclaimed Leah. "We have nothing else to do today."

"Talk about youself!" I said. "I was going to work on some songs."

"Come on, Soojin, you can do that tomorrow!" Mika reasoned. "Besides, tomorrow it's sunday, our free day."

"Okay, fine!" I gave in and they cheered. "But tomorrow don't expect me to get out of the 'Batcave'."

We then picked up our things and left the building, heading towards their dorm.

Mika and Chan were walking together at the front followed by Changbin and Felix, then Woojin and Seungmin, next  Leah, Jeongin, Jisung and Minho and finally Hyunjin and I at the back.

"I almost forgot!" I exclaimed and handed Hyunjin the pendrive. "Here you have."

"Thank you." He said and put it back in his bag. "Sorry for writing your name on it, but we have the exact same one. I wrote my name on mine too."

"It's okay, don't worry. It's just a pendrive." I reassured him. "By the way, did you check <Re-bye> again?"

"I did." He said. "I really do enjoy it. You also sang extremely well the other day when you showed it to me. I really like your vocals."

"Thank you very much." I said. "Although I'm not really confident when singing."

"I think you should be, really. Your rap is still amazing, but maybe you should try singing a little bit from time to time."

"I'll think about it. But maybe you should try too!"

"You've never heard me singing. How would you know?" He said and ruffled my hair.

"I have a feeling you sing well. Sing for me now!"

"Are you crazy?!"

"Of course I am!"

"Maybe later, not now." He said after laughing. "Not in front of the others, though, I don't want them to laugh at me."

"Why would they?" I asked him. "It's okay, I won't make you do it if you don't want to."

We continued walking towards the dorm chatting about random things and discussing how close Chan and Mika were all the time. They both looked like a couple.

"They should just date." Jisung, who had heard our conversation, said. "They are like a non official couple."

"I think they like each other, they are just too oblivious." I told him. "But time will tell. We shouldn't butt in, at least for now."

Fight for it? RESQ - Stray Kids Hyunjin FF (RESQ SAGA PART 2)Where stories live. Discover now