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Sunday finally arrived and I was alone at home working on the rap to one of the new songs

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Sunday finally arrived and I was alone at home working on the rap to one of the new songs. It was slowly coming together and I was starting to like it a lot, so I worked on it really hard to get it done.

Leah and Mika had left the dorm like they always did every Sunday. They liked to have breakfast at a cafeteria nearby and go for a walk before going back to the dorm for lunch. I sometimes joined them, but other times like this one I stayed home to work.

Finally, at around half past twelve, I finally finished the song. I was really pleased with how it sounded and I was excited to show it to the girls.

As they were going to come back soon, I began preparing lunch. I somehow managed to prepare too much lunch for the three of us, so we were definitely going to have leftovers.

I then got a phone call and picked up. It was from Leah.

"Hey, Soojin!" She said.

"Hello, when are you coming to have lunch?" I asked her. "I have already prepared it."

"Oh, did you...?" She said and got silent for a few seconds. "You see? We are at a restaurant nearby with the Stray Kids boys. We were going to ask you to join us."

"I think I'll pass..." I said sighing. "Have fun!"

"I'm sorry for not telling you earlier. We literally just decided this a few minutes ago." She said sensing I was a little mad.

"It's okay, really. Have fun." I said and hung up.

I then picked up my plates and sat down on the kitchen table to eat. I searched on V-Live for a video to watch and decided to watch a Shinee one.

While watching it, there was suddenly a knock on the door. I stopped the video and went towards the door to open it. After opening it, I saw Hyunjin there.

"What are you doing here? You should be in that restaurant with the rest." I wondered.

"They told me you weren't going and I decided to give you some company, can't I?" He asked me as he went inside. "It smells really nice. Did you cook?"

"I did, but you should go with them." I said following him to the kitchen.

"Do you mind if I eat some?" He said pointing to the food on the stove. "I guess you don't, taking into account this meal was for three people and you are the only one here."

"Hey! I didn't say you could!" I said taking the kitchen spoon from his hand. 

"Really, I can't?" He said getting too close to me. I could feel his breath in my face and that made me paralize. "I thought so."

He picked up the spoon back again and served himself a plate. Once he was done, he placed his things in front of mine on the table and sat down. Seeing there was no point in arguing, I sat down and we began eating.

"Did you manage to finish the song or are you still working on it?" He asked me as we ate.

"I finally finished it. I'm quite pleased with how it turned out." I told him. "Do you want to hear it?"

"Of course!" He said.

"I'll show it to you later." 

A few minutes later we were done eating and I washed the dishes. After that was done, we sat down on the couch and I searched for the song in my laptop to show it to him.

Once I found it, I played it and sat down straight to sing it to him.

"There's a really high note at some point and I am definitely not a vocalist like Mika or Leah, so sorry if my voice cracks." I warned him. 

I then began singing it, trying to sound as clear in my rap as possible. He danced along to it a little, which made me laugh from time to time. When the high note came I surprisingly managed to do it. It was not as powerful as when Mika did it, but it sounded decent at least.

"The lyrics are really empowering, I love it!" He said applauding me. "I know get why you took so long."

"Thank you." I said blushing.


We were in dance class with the rest of the girls on Tuesday when suddenly a man from the staff opened the door

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We were in dance class with the rest of the girls on Tuesday when suddenly a man from the staff opened the door. 

"Nishikino Mika and Lee Soojin?" He said and we both raised our hands. "Please go to JYP's office."

He then left and made us all wonder why JYP would want to see us.

"Come on, go!" Leah told us. "It seemed important."

After excusing ourselves we went towards his office. When we were about to turn the corner, though, I suddenly tripped with a girls' suitcase and fell.

"Oh my god, I'm so sorry!" A girl who I didn't know said. "I didn't see you there."

"It's okay, I wasn't looking either." I reassured her. "Who are you, by the way? I don't think I've ever seen you here."

"My name is Zhu Lin. I'm a new trainee here." She told me.

"Nice to meet you, then! I'm Lee Soojin. I'm also a trainee." I said bowing a little.

"I'm Mika, a trainee too." Mika said bowing. "We'll see you around here, right?"

"Yes, I have to leave now, but I'll be back in a few days to stay." She informed us.

We then bid our goodbyes and knocked on JYP's door. After he told us to go in, we opened the door and saw him typing something on his computer.

"Two of our young, aspiring artists!" He said and stood up to greet us. "How are you?"

"We are well, sir." Mika said as we both bowed.

"Please, sit down." He said and we both sat down in front of him. 

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