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"A new day has come!" Said Leah officially starting the game.

Once I looked up I immediately found my strategy. Whenever we played this at the dorms and I didn't have any task I became really quiet and paid attention to the others' behaviour, only speaking if I really suspected of anyone. I would use it as an advantage and trick the girls into thinking I wasn't Mafia, therefore making the others believe so too.

"Vernon!" Seokmin immediately exclaimed. "Did you see his smile? He looked extremely suspicious."

"I did!" Seungcheol agreed. "He's definitely mafia."

"I literally just smiled! What am I supposed to do? Cry?" Vernon asked pissed off.

"Okay, how many people want to kill him?" Leah asked and ten people raised their hands. "Let's have Vernon's last few words before we vote, then."

"Please, let me play some more. Don't kill me in the first round, I actually want to play." He pleaded making us laugh. Well, I only chuckled to keep up my act.

"Let's now vote. Three, two, one..." said Leah and twelve people pointed their thumbs down, killing him. "You have killed a citizen."

"I told you, guys! I told you!" Vernon exclaimed exasperatedly.

"Night has fallen," Leah said continuing with the game. "Mafia, raise your head and kill a citizen."

Jun and I then looked up and he pointed towards Lin but I shook my head no as they would suspect of me. None of the boys would kill her in the second round. He then pointed towards Seungkwan and I nodded. 

"Alright," Leah said. "Doctor, raise your head and save one person... Now cop raise your head and guess who's the Mafia... The day has broken."

"Thank god! I was nearly about to choke with my sweatshirt." Seungkwan said panting making the rest laugh.

"Well, you may have survived that but you haven't survived the night," Leah said wittily making us all burst out laughing.

"You have killed the mood maker! This game will now become really boring! Mafia, think about what you did!" He said as he sat on the side with Vernon.

"Woozi must be the mafia, then!" Hoshi immediately said. 

"Why me?!" Woozi exclaimed.

"We all know you can't stand his comments when we play mafia. Of course you would kill him!" Seungcheol pointed out.

"How many people want to kill Woozi, then?" Leah asked and many of us raised our hands. "Let's vote, then. Three, two, one..."

"Are you kidding me?!" Woozi exclaimed. "You've killed another citizen. You must be proud of yourselves."

"It's nighttime again," Leah said. "Mafia, kill a citizen."

Jun and I both looked up once again and decided to kill Joshua as he hadn't been participating much in the game as of that moment.

"Doctor, please heal someone... Cop, guess who's the mafia..." Leah continued. "Okay, the day has broken."

"Who died?" Jeonghan asked.

"Joshua did," Leah answered.

"Okay, that gives us literally no clues," Dino said. 

"It must be one of you, guys." Mika suddenly spoke up for the first time.

"Why must it be us? Can't it be one of you?" Minghao protested.

"We've played this game way too many times and I know how Soojin acts when they are playing the game." She reasoned.

"But isn't Soojin too talkative when we play?" Lin asked confused. "She hasn't said a word yet. She looks really suspicious to me."

"She only really talks if she's the Mafia. If she isn't she stays silent and examines us all silently." Mika tried to reason.

"But it could also be one of you, we didn't say it had to be her!" Dino quickly pointed out.

"He's right! Why are you both framing me now?!" I pretended to be hurt.

"No, I was defending her! Lin's the one who said you were being suspicious!" Mika said.

"Let's kill Lin, then!" Dino exclaimed.

"I have just pointed out she's too quiet!" Lin protested.

"Your last words before voting?" Leah asked her.

"You have already killed many citizens, are you sure you want to kill another? Dino seemed to be very eager to kill me just now." Lin stated.

"She's now trying to kill me because she feels threatened!" Dino exclaimed. "If you don't kill her nor me and I die you already know who to suspect."

"Let's save them for now," Seungcheol said. "Wonwoo seemed to be having a good time when we were about to vote Lin out."

"I just smiled!" Wonwoo protested.

"No, you smirked! That's a totally different thing!" Mika said agreeing with Seuncheol. "Let's vote for him."

After his last words, we eventually killed him and it was time again for Jun and I to kill someone. As they had said before that if someone killed Dino it could only be Lin, we decided to remove two threats at the same time and killed Dino.

When the sun rose, Dino was killed and we all agreed to kill Lin as she was the most suspicious due to the previous events.

Once again, nighttime fell and we decided to kill Mika.

When the morning came and Leah announced she had died, I immediately gasped.

"Mika!" I exclaimed.

"Soojin is mafia, then!" Hoshi said.

"She literally just defended me minutes ago, why would I kill her if I were the mafia?" I asked him.

"Guys, there's a more important question here." Seokmin suddenly said. "What on earth is Jun?"

That made us burst out laughing as he was the only one who hadn't said a word yet. 

"He never really says anything so I don't know if he's mafia or just  a bystander." Seokmin continued.

"It's not like Minghao has said a lot either." Jun wittily said diverting the attention towards Minghao.

"He must be mafia," Minghao said. "Think about it. It's the perfect person to choose as mafia because he never really talks."

"Why are you so suddenly attacking him?" Hoshi asked Minghao. "Do you suddenly feel threatened? Is it because you are the mafia?"

"Think about the people who have been killed and in which order. It doesn't make any sense for me to be the mafia!" He said, his voice suddenly cracking.

"Okay, he's Mafia!" I exclaimed kneeling down instead of sitting properly. "He's mafia for sure."

"Let's vote!" Seokmin told Leah.

"Three, two, one..." She counted down and we all pointed our thumbs down. "Mafia won."

Jun and I then immediately stood up and hugged each other while laughing.

"What?!" Hoshi exclaimed perplexed. "You two?!"

"Aren't we great mafia?" Jun said as we side hugged each other.

"I kept saving you and you were the mafia!" Mika exclaimed making me laugh. "I wasted my role as a doctor!"

"Who was the cop, by the way?" I asked and Vernon rose his hand.

"You literally killed the cop on the first round, you idiots!" I said as I laughed maniacally. 

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