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After we had all arrived at the meeting spot, we made our way to the Dae Han Geuk Jang BBQ Restaurant down the street of JYP, close to Cube entertainment.

Once we arrived, we all went inside and sat down on one of the tables to decide what to order. The place was luckily empty, probably because of how late it was.

As it was a long table, we all sat down one in front of the other except Woojin who sat at the edge. I was next to the wall beside Mika and in front of Hyunjin.

Once we had ordered everything (which was a lot taking into account we were eleven people), we waited for the food to come and chatted with one another.

Mika began showing me all of the clothes and accessories she had bought excitedly. She was especially excited to show me the pictures she took.

"You bought matching outfits?" I asked her as my eyes widened

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"You bought matching outfits?" I asked her as my eyes widened.

"Says the one who's literally wearing a matching outfit with Hyunjin right now." She said back. I had completely forgotten we were still wearing them.

"I..." I tried to come up with an excuse but the waiter came with the food saving me.

We then all began digging in. We were feeling quite hungry after all the walking around, so we definitely enjoyed the meal.

I then tried to grab some kimbap that was too far away and Hyunjin stopped me, picking it up for me.

"Open up!" He said.

I followed his orders and opened up my mouth so that he fed me. After that, he picked up one of the empty plates in front of us and picked up some food that was out of reach for our side.

"Much better." He said putting the plate in front of us. "If you want more of something just ask."

Everyone seemed to be immersed in their own conversations. Chan and Mika were talking about their stuff and the boys from beside them onwards had their own conversation going on.

I was honestly a little bit bored and tired, so I yawned every few minutes. I had even lost my appetite.

"Are you tired?" Hyunjin asked me checking the time.

"Just a little, don't worry." I reassured him.

"I can take you home if you want to. I don't mind." He told me and, after thinking about it for some seconds, I nodded.

We were going to work a lot the following day, so his offer was more than tempting. If I had waited any longer, I probably would have fallen asleep at the restaurant.

"Guys, I'm taking Soojin home!" Hyunjin informed them as we stood up.

"Do you want me to go with you?" Mika asked me.

"No, don't worry about me. Continue having fun!" I told her.

After saying goodbye, we made our way to my dorm. We were holding hands for some reason but as no one said anything, we stayed like that throughout the entire walk there.

"What time is it now?" I asked him.

"Nearly eleven." He told me. "When do you have to be at JYPe to record?"

"At eight more or less." I told him.

We finally arrived after a lot of walking and small talk. We both sat down on the couch as soon as we arrived and I laid down on the couch.

"I'll go back now." He told me and stood up but I grabbed his arm.

"You can stay here until they come back." I told him. "This building is closer to your dorm than the restaurant."

He then nodded and sat back down, taking out his phone to tell the others. I placed my legs on his lap to lay down completely and he began rubbing circles on my legs as he waited for them to text him back. I started to fall asleep without even noticing and not even five minutes later, I was out.


"Okay, they said they will be here in about fifteen minutes." I told Soojin after I had received the text.

As she said nothing, I looked to the side and saw she was fast asleep. Her lips cutely pouted when she slept, so I couldn't help but smile.

Careful not to wake her up, I stood up to search for a blanket of some sort to put it over her, but eventually found nothing. After ten minutes of searching I gave up and so I carefully picked her up to take her to her room.

When I was on my way there, the main entrance door opened. Mika and Chan came in and smile when they saw me carrying Soojin bridal style.

"Hey, Hyunjin!" Mika said too loud.

"Careful, she's asleep!" I told her. "Let me take her to her room and we can go."

Chan then nodded and I quickly took her to her room, laying her down on the bed carefully and removing her jacket. I then pulled the bed sheets over her before looking at her sleeping face one last time. I could never get tired of looking at her. She was naturally beautiful with or without makeup and both inside and outside. I couldn't get how other boys weren't interested in her when she was absolutely perfect in every single way.

"You do love her, don't you?" Mika asked me from the door.

"You have no f***ing idea..." I admitted without regrets.

Fight for it? RESQ - Stray Kids Hyunjin FF (RESQ SAGA PART 2)Where stories live. Discover now