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ALSO, I will be posting the song divisions as a separate book so that you check them out if you want to.

Enjoy the chapter!

After our rehearsals the next day, we went to the Stray Kids dance practice room to wait for them to finish. Leah was also there with us. Once they were done, we all sat down on the floor to talk for a while.

"Did you meet the new trainee?" Minho suddenly asked us. "She came here a few days ago."

"She's a really good dancer as far as we have seen." Felix added. "She learned the dance to <Hellevator> in just a couple of hours!"

"I don't think we have met her."Mika said. "Unless it's that girl we met outside JYP's office. I want to know who she is."

"Wait, let me call her." Chan said and took out his phone.

A few rings later, a girl appeared on the screen and we tried to squeeze ourselves inside the camera frame.

"Hello?" She said. "Chan?"

"It's you!" Mika and I exclaimed.

"Aren't you the luggage girl?" I asked her.

"Soojin and Mika, was it?" She asked us after a few seconds.

"The ones!" We said at the same time.

"The girls were wondering who you were as we were talking about your dancing the other day." Chan explained.

"The boys said you were really good so we wanted to meet you." Leah told her. "By the way, my name is Leah. Nice to meet you!"

"Nice to meet you too!" Lin said smiling. "I guess I will be seeing you all often starting next week."

"I hope so!" Leah exclaimed with a smile.

"By the way, can we see your dance?" Mika asked her.

"I..." She began but didn't say anything else.

"If you are busy, it's okay." I reassured her. "You can show us once you come back."

"I am indeed busy, but you can search 'Zhu Lin Idol Producer' on YouTube and I'm pretty sure something will come up." She told us.

"Wait, are you Jackson's friend?" I asked her.

"I am, why?" She asked me.

"He just named you the other day. Nothing important." I said and she nodded.

"We won't distract you any longer." Said Chan. "Good luck!"

"Good luck to you too!" She said and hung up.

"She's really friendly!" Leah said. "I hope we can get to know her once she comes here!"

"I hope so too." Said Mika. "Maybe JYP can make her join ResQ along with you. We would be really multicultural."

"Indeed." Seungmin agreed. "One Chinese, one Japanese-French, one Thai-Argentinian and one Korean. Maybe you can get one person from each Asian country to join!"

"They would be like the female version of NCT!" Changbin said and we all laughed.

After that, we decided to go to our dorm as the previous time we had gone to theirs'. Once we reached the dorm, something unusual occurred. Leah and some of the boys went to the couch to watch TV as always, but Mika and Chan didn't go to her room as they usually did. Instead, she went towards me while Chan went to talk with Hyunjin.

"Hey, did something happen between you two?" I asked her worriedly.

"We... we kissed the other day." She told me and I gasped. "We have been awkward since that day."

"But isn't it good news?" I asked her confused. "You both like each other, what is there to be awkward about?"

"We have been friends for over seven years, Soojin. This is a sudden change." She explained.

"I think you two just need to talk. Tell him you both need to sort this out for good or for bad." I advised her.


"Hyunjin!" We both exclaimed at the same time.

"You... You had to show me something, right?" He invented and I went along with it.

"Yeah... That thing... It's in my room... Yes... Let's go!" I said and quickly pulled him towards my room.

Once we reached it, we sat down on my bed and sighed in relief.

"Aren't they idiots?" We said at the same time and laughed.

As I was tired, I laid down with my head resting on his lap. He began running his fingers through my hair as we talked, which made me feel sleepy.

"Would you confess to the person you like even if you were unsure of their feelings?" I suddenly asked, taking him by surprise.

"I... I don't know." He said. "I would have to be at least a little bit sure that the feeling is mutual. Plus, I'm not really that forward and confident.

"Why not, though?" I asked him and sat down properly, staring at the wall. "You are handsome, talented and intelligent. Who wouldn't want to date you?"

"The thing is that the only person who I have ever truly liked hasn't shown any signs that could make me believe she is even the least bit interested in me romantically." He said becoming serious. "Confessing to her would mean that our relationship would change or even disappear, and I don't want to risk that."

"Oh, do I know her?" I asked him.

"You do." He told me. "But I can't tell you who it is."

"If it's Leah or Mika you can tell me. I promise I won't tell them anything."

"It's not them." He told me. "Let's change the subject now, please."

After nodding, I laid back down on the bed but this time I had my head on the pillow. After a few seconds, he stood up and walked around my room.

Fight for it? RESQ - Stray Kids Hyunjin FF (RESQ SAGA PART 2)Where stories live. Discover now