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After about ten minutes, the rest of Got7 arrived and I stopped once again, only to be imitated by Yugyeom

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After about ten minutes, the rest of Got7 arrived and I stopped once again, only to be imitated by Yugyeom.

"원래 그래 나비들은 예쁜 꽃을 보면 앉고 싶어 해요! (They say that when butterflies see a pretty flower they want to sit on it )" Yugyeom imitated me.

"Ha ha ha. You're so funny!" I told him.

"Why did you tell us to come?" Yugyeom asked Jinyoung pulling me into a headlock.

"How many hours can it take for us to finish practising?" Jinyoung asked them.

"I don't know," JB said. "Around two? It's just a quick rehearsal."

"You can take this studio, then," I told them. "I can come back later. I have it booked for the whole day, after all."

"If you need it you can keep it, really," JB told me. "We can just rehearse tomorrow."

"I'm telling you it's okay, don't worry," I reassured him. "I was just dancing to get back to work after not doing it for some time and also to unwind. You can take it. I promise I'm telling the truth."

"Thank you!" Bambam said suddenly hugging me from behind, making me chuckle. "You're the best."

"I wish I was," I told him. "Do you mind if I stay, though?"

"Not at all!" JB said.

They then told me to continue rehearsing while they stretched, so I played one of the songs I had created but didn't think fit the group and began dancing. 

"Talk about female empowerment!" Mark said as I finished the song. "That was amazing!"

"You think so?" I asked him shyly.

"I don't think so, I know so," he said. "Is this for your next comeback?"

"I don't think it really fits a group concept, so it's been on my computer for around half a year," I explained. "I just created the dance for fun one day I was bored.

"You should try to release it by yourself, then," Jackson told me. "It is too good for you to keep it hidden. It's also a really strong song which I think portrays your style really well. Plus, for being a rapper, those vocals were amazing!"

"Thank you!" I said bowing.

"Please, don't bow!" He told me. "We're alone here, you don't need to be so formal."

They then went to work while I just went to the side to relax. I still didn't turn my phone on as I didn't want to hear anything from anyone.


"Any news about Jisung?" I asked Woojin as we drank coffee at the JYP cafeteria together

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"Any news about Jisung?" I asked Woojin as we drank coffee at the JYP cafeteria together.

"Nothing. He's just locked himself on his room and only comes out to practice." He told me sighing. "Chan's having a really hard time too. Rehearsals aren't as lively as they used to be."

"I'm going to talk to him whether he wants it or not," I said standing up. "Are you coming?"

"To see flying heads?" He said. "Obviously!"

"When we finally reached the dorm, all of the boys were sitting down on the couch except for Jisung.

" Where is he? "I immediately asked.

" His room." They said at the same time pointing toward his bedroom's door.

I then opened the door without knocking and he jumped up scared.

"Knock on the door the next time!" He said turning towards me. "Oh... It's you..."

"Nice to see you too, Han," I said sitting down next to him.

Every time I tried to sit close to him he moved to the side, so I kept doing that until he nearly fell to the floor. I managed to catch him before he did, though.

"Okay, what do you want?" He asked me angrily as he pushed me away.

"I want to know what happens," I told him. "And don't try to dodge my question. Also, stop pushing me. It hurts, you know?"

"There are things that hurt more than a simple push." He said. "And why would you care about what happens?"

"Because we have been friends for three years, maybe?"

"And? You just said it. We have been friends, that's it." He told me. "I am best friends with the boys and I didn't tell them either, so why should I tell you? We are simply just friends because we met through them, that's it. You basically just care about your boyfriend Hyunjin. The rest of us could die and you wouldn't give a single fuck. You don't even realise how we feel. We are just mere acquaintances."

"That's what you think?" I asked him and he nodded. "Very well, then. Han Jisung, it was nice talking to you. Things are way clearer now. Next time try to see who cares about you and who doesn't, who takes the time to try to see what happens to you, who is there for you."

I then stormed outside the room and closed the door with a thud. All of the boys were looking at me concerned.

"Any news?" Chan asked me hopefully. "What happened?"

"Why would you ask me? Han Jisung and I aren't friends. We are merely acquaintances." I told them and they looked at me shocked. "Ask him if you really want to know. He made himself very clear."

I quickly then left the dorm, tears falling down my face. Why did he say that? Did he really think that?

As I went inside my dorm, Mika wasn't there as she had gone grocery shopping.

"Already home?" Said Leah opening the lounge room door, where she had been.

"Please, leave me alone for a second." I calmly said. "I need some time alone right now. Sorry."

"Don't worry. I'm there if you need to talk or anything." She said visibly concerned.

"Thank you..." I said and went inside our room, where I cried until I fell asleep.

Fight for it? RESQ - Stray Kids Hyunjin FF (RESQ SAGA PART 2)Where stories live. Discover now