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It had been a week since our arrival and it all had thankfully calmed down. The program would be airing just a week later and then it would be finally sorted out.

Lin was going to go back to China to promote her solo stuff, so we tried to create as much music as possible while she was still here. I wanted all of the girls to participate in the creating of the album so that it didn't feel like all of the songs were mine, but rather from everyone.

"So, what did you create during your stay in the program?" Lin asked me as we sat down in the lounge room.

"Well, I made a draft of a really cheesy, girly song," I told her as I plugged my pen drive on the laptop and searched for the file. "I don't know if it will fit your style. To be honest, it isn't really my style either but sometimes I come up with this type of songs and I'm not mad about them. It's funny creating them, really."

"I feel the same way about those songs," she told me. "Let's hear it, then!"

I then began playing 'Oh! My Mistake' and she listened to it intently, following the beat with her hand. She was stoic throughout the whole thing, so I couldn't decypher whether she was enjoying it or not.

"It's quite good!" She said when the song ended. "Do you have any lyrics for it?"

"When I got the idea I kept repeating to myself the same thing over and over again, so I only have the chorus and prechorus." I explained and she nodded.

"And how did you come up with the idea?" She asked curiously.

"Well, when we were at home we stayed at during the first half of the trip, Hyunjin kept singing Got7's 'A' to me, so it came out as a sort of parody of that song, I guess," I said making her chuckle.

"That song is indeed very cocky, so I see where this is going." She told me.

We then decided to work on it and finish the lyrics. She even facetimed Fan Chengcheng, his boyfriend, in the middle of the brainstorming to try to come up with even more ideas.

"Hello!" Chengcheng said as he picked up the call. "How's everything?"

"Everything's great, thank you!" She said and turned the phone towards me. "Let me introduce you to Soojin. She's the groupmate I talked to you about."

"Oh, hello, Soojin!" He said in Korean. "Nice to meet you."

"Nice to meet you too. I have heard a lot about you." I told him. "I can speak Mandarin, so don't worry about speaking in Korean. It's okay."

"Thank you." He said and went back to speaking with Lin. "Did you need anything?"

"We are trying to come up with some cheeky love song lyrics and was wondering if you could help us." She asked him. "We are currently brainstorming."

"What do you have up to now?" He asked. "Sing it to me so that I get the general vibe of the song."

"You sing it, I'll go play it." Lin said handing me the phone.

"Well, hello." I said chuckling. "Don't laugh at my voice. I'm a rapper for a reason."

"And he was a rapper too yet he slayed the <Can't Stop> performance as a singer. Don't try to act as if though you sing badly, Soojin." Lin told me.

"Well, okay!" I said pulling a weird face and making Chengcheng laugh.

Lin then finally played the song and I began singing the pre-chorus and the chorus.

"Being pretty is a sin, yes, it's my sin

It's my sin to be wanted so much
Being pretty is a sin, anyone can see
Making you fall so deep for me is
Oh my mistake

They say that when butterflies see a pretty flower
They want to sit on it (want to sit on it)
My heart that's sweet like candy
I'm only gonna give to you
My mistake oh my mistake

Love way, don't hesitate
Love way, come closer, please
Update all of your heart
So it can love

I know that you're looking at me
I know that I'm a girl who loves you
Your twinkling eyes
Make me melt." 

"That was really nice!" Chengcheng said. "I now see where you're going for. By the way, nice singing."

"Thank you!" I said. 

"I'll have to listen to your songs now." He told me.

"Stream my songs, you coward!"I managed to say before Lin snatched the phone from my hands.

"I will, Soojin!" He said. "Now, back to the topic at hand. You can always write the song using some of your own experience. Like when you told me you had never tried to make Xukun fall for you. Just change 'Xukun' for 'everyone' and there you have it! I hope you don't dedicate that song to me, though."

"Don't worry, it already is dedicated to  someone." I told him. "I've got you covered."

"Thank you, Soojin!" He said louder.

They then exchanged even more ideas and I wote them all down, slowly getting to know more about them and their relationship. Even though they only knew each other for such a short time, it looked like they had known each other for years. He was also really nice and really cared about Lin a lot, so I was definitely happy that they found each other. It was as if though they were meant to be. 

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